Wednesday 22 January 2014

7A - Week of January 20 - 24, 2014

Students have been preparing for the Writing Process for some time now! Here are some samples of Graphic Organizers we are using to Plan our Narratives:

This is for development of Characters / Settings...Idea Generating!!!

Character Ideas








Other Details

Setting Ideas



This is our Graphic Organizer for the Planning Process:

Graphic Organizer – Story Map for Narratives
Setting:                                                   When/Time:                                                     Where/Place:

Who/What/Where/When/How/Why – Use the 5 senses and JUICY descriptive words!!!
Major Characters:

Minor Characters:


What happens? Plot/Events/Rising Action/Movement of the story:

Resolution/Conclusion/Most exciting or decisive moment/Moral:

It is expected that this be completed in dot jots, as it is a place for students to begin to write their ideas for their story (PLANNING STAGE). It is to be handed in as part of the entire Narrative package. Changes can and will occur as the students begin to DRAFT their stories. This shows growth and development as a Writer, as they see the need to add or omit information to further their story. The Narratives will be completed at school only.

6 / 7 E-1 Week of January 20 - 24, 2014

What a busy week!

English - Students are learning how to think CRITICALLY about what they see in the Media. We are looking specifically at "As Seen On TV" commercials. Students are choosing their own commercial and analyzing the content according to the following questions: 

Think Critically
Select a commercial on "You Tube", advertising a specific product. Answer the following questions:
1. What makes you want to watch it?
There are many ideas / reasons that make me want to watch. They are...

2. Is the advertisement easily understood? What makes it easy or not easy to understand?
The commercial is / is not easily understood because...

3. Are the ad facts believable? What makes you trust or not trust it?
Yes / No  the facts are / are not believable. I trust / do not trust it because...

4. Does the ad make any claims? What are those claims?
Yes / No the ad does / does not make claims. The claims are...

5. Would you buy this product based on the ad? Why or why not?
Yes / No I would / would not buy this product because...

This is also an opportunity for us to practice "How to answer questions". We used a very well-known commercial for "Oxy Clean" to watch, review and discuss. Then, we developed starters for each of the questions to ensure that the students were using part of the question in their answer. Simple "yes" / "no" responses are not the way we answer questions appropriately.This is a very important life skill - applying for a job, responding to test questions, etc. 

Math - Graphing (Data Management)

Students are learning how to use bar graphs for information. Students are also learning how to take raw data and create their own graphs. Accuracy is important. Emphasis for creating graphs independently  is placed on remembering the following information:

- X- axis (identify your data at clear intervals / spacing)
- Y - axis (numbers identified at clear intervals / spacing)
- Labels for both X and Y axis
- Underlined Title
- Bars are evenly spaced
- Bars neatly coloured / shaded
- Use a RULER!!!

Gr. 7 History - Preparing for our Trip to Gibson House on Monday, January 27, 2014!

Please click on the following link to read more:

Gr. 6 Social Studies - Please continue to use Newspapers / Online News Sites to discuss Current Events at home!

Thursday 16 January 2014

Gr. 7/8 Girls Volleyball Practice for Friday, January 17 CHANGED - LUNCH ONLY, not 8:00 am

Girls: Mrs. Trudeau will hold practice Friday at lunch in the Gym

There will be NO 8:00 am practice.

Please get the word out to your teammates.


Monday 13 January 2014

Grade 7/8 Girls Volleyball Practice is CANCELLED on Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Girls, please contact your teammates to ensure everyone is aware of this.


Mrs. Paskewich and Mrs. Trudeau

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Grade 7/8 Girls Volleyball - Practice is on for Tuesday, January 7 / 14! Please read below for details

Good Morning 7/8 Girls Volleyball Team!

It's super cold outside…please make sure you are bundled up!!

For today only, you may buzz / enter through the front doors. Plan to arrive at 8:00 am or just a few minutes before. The doors will not be answered before that, and it's too cold for you to be outside waiting.

Have a parent drive you / carpool with your teammates today! Stay warm!

See you at 8:00 am practice!

Mrs. P

Monday 6 January 2014

6/7 E-1 Welcome Back!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed a restful vacation! We had many stories this morning of power outages, time spent with family and friends and other holiday celebrations!

Jumping right back in to work....


1. What is a Narrative? We will be looking at the main characteristics of Narrative in known stories. We will use both familiar and "fractured" Fairy Tales to identify these characteristics. For those students who require more challenging reading material, I have several copies of stories with more challenging vocabulary to choose from.

2. Guided Reading - Based on reading levels, students will be grouped to work on the following concepts in Reading / Writing:

- Vocabulary Building
- Thinking WHILE we read (I will be teaching students how to use "Think Marks")
- Identifying elements of Narrative in Guided Reading Stories
- Making Connections (a very IMPORTANT part of reading to develop a greater understanding)
- Other activities based on the stories we read. For example: Character Study, etc.

**Guided Reading will take approximately 2 weeks per story**


Finishing Elapsed Time - students will finish up all work from prior to the Holiday. We will have a hands-on test this Thursday, January 9, 2014. 

Here are some links for practice:

Elapsed Time with clock

Elapsed Time chart

Gr. 6 Social Studies:

"Frankenburgers and French Fries" - we will be looking at Science, Technology and the Environment in this Article. The following words will be our focus for Vocabulary:

consistency, cultured, fodder, inefficient, livestock, godsend, ruminants

Students will be reading, discussing, answering questions and doing some work on the computer.

Gr. 7 History:

Starting Chapter 3 in our History Text - We will begin looking at the influence of the British in North America. We will use graphic organizers to organize our information from the text along with the videos posted prior to the holiday to bring History to life!

*Please note, all Grade 7 classes will be going on a Field Trip to Gibson House at the end of January to experience the contribution of the Gibson Family to our local History. More details to follow. *