Thursday 30 October 2014

7B Poetry Assignment - Weeks of October 27 and November 3

English Poetry Assignment          Grade 7            Due Date: TO BE DETERMINED 

The purpose of this assignment is to write 5 Haiku Poems, incorporating JUICY vocabulary and the use of Similes and Metaphors.

Co-Created Success Criteria:
- write 4 original Haiku poems about each of the 4 Seasons
- include 1 Simile or Metaphor in each poem
- write 1 original “General” poem, tying each of my other 4 poems together (think THEME)
- include 1 simile or Metaphor in my General poem
- create an organized poster NO SMALLER THAN 17x24 (this can be found in Room 210…just ask if you need it!)
- illustrate each of my poems using related images
- make my poster colourful and eye-catching
Haiku Poems Rubric

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Poems are not structured properly
Most poems are not structured properly
Most poems are structured properly
All 5 poems have the proper structure
Uses similes or metaphors in 1 or none of the poems
Uses simile or metaphor in some (2-4) of the poems
Uses only similes OR only metaphors in all 5 poems
Uses a combination of simile AND metaphor in all 5 poems
Visuals are missing from some poems or are not appropriate to the subject of the poem
Some poems have weak visuals or have visuals that are not appropriate to the subject of the poem
Good visuals are included for all 5 poems and appropriate for the subject of the poems
Strong visuals are included for all 5 poems and appropriate for the subject of the poems

·        Make sure all your poems have the structure 5syllables-7syllables-5syllables
·        Try to include more similes or metaphors in your poems
·        Try to use both similes and metaphors

·        Include more visuals/ coloured visuals/ appropriate visuals

Wednesday 15 October 2014

HSP 6/7/8 - Week of October 14, 2014

We hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving weekend! Here is this week-at-a-glance:

ENGLISH - Students are working on:

Writing: Thankful Poems; Publishing Terry Fox Poems for our classroom walls

Reading: Students are working in Guided Reading Groups. We have started the following stories: 

The Sign of Four (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The Ghost in My Mirror (Marie Francine Hebert)

The Magic Finger (Roald Dahl)

Students will be answering questions, building vocabulary and discussing the literature in small groups.

Homework: Continue Reading each night. Continue Writing in the at-home Writer's Notebook.

MATH - Continuing with Patterning. 

Homework: The students are experiencing challenges with remembering Math Facts. ALL students would benefit from the following practice:


Gr. 6 -  What In the World - students will be starting a new selection this week.

Gr. 7`s - Reading about the first Explorers to Canada - looking at Champlain and Cartier and their contributions to exploring the NEW LAND.

Gr. 8`s - Reading about life in the 1850`s - discussing political and physical features of British North America

Homework: Please continue to watch the news / read the newspaper and discuss current events.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

7B English - Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1. Poetry - Students wrote Limericks this week. Next week, we will focus on evaluating the lyrics that were brought in to class for poetic devices / figurative language. In two weeks, students will focus on writing Similes and Metaphors and incorporating them into Haiku poems for a Media / Writing project.

2. Media Posters - Students will finish presenting this week. Final evaluations will be given to students on Monday in class. 

HSP 6/7/8 Wednesday, October 1, 2014

English -

Writing / Reading: Continuing with POETRY....

Students are refining Terry Fox Poems to publish and display in our classroom. They wrote a Free Verse and a rhyming poem and will choose which poem they would like to Peer and Self edit prior to publishing.

Media: Students are busy creating a collage of how Media represents themselves. Students are using a variety of print resources to search, cut and paste their individual images.

Homework: Students are encouraged to use their at-home Writer`s Notebook to jot down ideas and practice writing about things that have meaning to them. They may choose to write it as Poetry or story. Students are also encouraged to continue reading on a daily basis.

Math: Students are working at varied levels.

HOMEWORK has been sent home today to be completed for tomorrow for: Grade 7`s and 8`s.

Formula: 1st Term + ((Term Number of the Term you are looking for - 1) x Common Difference))


Gr. 7`s - Reading about the first Explorers to Canada - looking at Champlain and Cartier and their contributions to exploring the NEW LAND.

Gr. 8`s - Reading about life in the 1850`s - based on the text, describing A Day in the Life of 1850.

Homework: Please continue to watch the news / read the newspaper and discuss current events.