Due Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 AT THE END OF CLASS
Materials: Student copy of The Mirror, YouTube
video for Dove Evolution:
1. Write a paragraph for each Media Text, summarizing
the main idea for each. (What are they about?)
2. Write a paragraph to make connections between the
Media Texts. Refer to: morals, characteristics or other features (main
"character", etc.).
3. A statement is made at the end of the story and the
end of the commercial.
a) Identify the statements.
b) Write a paragraph to identify the connection
between the two statements you identified in part a).
Co-Created Success Criteria:
I can…
- clearly summarize the main idea in each Media Text
- use the Somebody Wanted But So Then model to help me
- make clear connections to each Media Text and give examples
to show those connections
- identify and explain the statement made on each Media Text
- make clear connections to each statement and give examples
to show those connections
- write 5-8 sentence paragraphs for each answer
- make notes for each Media Text to help me write my rough
- write a rough draft
- edit my work (showing all of my changes and improvements)
- write a second draft (good copy)
- hand in my notes, edited rough draft (showing all of my
changes and improvements) and my good copy
- hand my work in on time
- demonstrate a positive mindset towards my work
- show good work habits
- use my time wisely in class
Marking Scheme:
Media Summary /
Connection Rubric
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Media Text Analysis
has difficulty identifying and summarizing information from both texts.
Little to no explanation included.
identifies some of the information included in the text, and experiences some
difficulty summarizing text. There is very little explanation.
identifies information included in the texts, and summarizes texts with
adequate explanation.
clearly identifies information from both texts. Student clearly explains both
media texts.
Personal Connection
Student attempts to make a personal
connection. Example (i.e. moral, characteristic, etc) is
attempted, but incomplete.
Student makes one personal connection.
Student identifies one example
(i.e. moral, characteristic, etc.) Example is related to one media texts.
Student makes personal
connections. Student identifies a few examples (i.e. morals, characteristics,
etc.) Examples are related to both media texts.
Student has clearly made several personal
connections. Student clearly identifies several examples (i.e. morals,
characteristics, etc.). Student can clearly explain their connection to Media,
with examples.
Moral / Statement
Student attempts to identify a
moral related to the statement.
Student identifies one moral related
to the statement.
Student identifies each moral related
to the statement.
Student clearly identifies each
moral related statement, with textual evidence
Media Connection
Student attempts to make a connection. Example is
attempted, but incomplete.
Student makes one personal connection. Example is related
to one media texts.
Student makes personal connections. Examples are related
to both media texts.
Student has clearly made several personal connections.
Examples are clearly related to both media texts. Student can clearly explain
their connection to Media, using examples.
are required to hand in: notes, rough draft that SHOWS ALL EDITING and good
copy. All components are due at the same time on the due date. LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be marked at 85%.