Thursday 9 April 2015

6/7/8 HSP - Week of April 7-10

ENGLISH - We are working on several small projects right now:

A - Guided Reading - Students are in 2 groups

The Loch Ness Monster - non-fiction

Weekly tasks: (VOCABULARY was to be completed last week - definitions and sentences)

1. Read story
2. Reflect on reading using Think Marks - students asked to think about passage and use proof from the story to justify their answers
3. Making Connections - students given opportunity to use story to find "for" and "against" facts to complete a t-chart then write a persuasive paragraph convincing someone the Loch Ness Monster "does" or "does not" exist

The Wise Old Woman - fiction

Weekly tasks: (VOCABULARY was to be completed last week - definitions and sentences)

1. Read story
2. Reflect on reading using Think Marks - students asked to think about passage and use proof from the story to justify their answers
3. Making Connections - students were asked to think of someone "elderly" who has made an important influence on their life - writing task

B - DRAMA - Anti Bullying Plays

Students are working in small groups with Ms. Speedman's students. The groups are presenting their plays in two weeks. Next week, we will be focusing on movement and placement on "stage".


1. Students are asked to read over their Role for the anti-bullying play. They will have their copy of the play home from Thursday to Sunday.

2. Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.


EK, NN - Beginning new unit - Rates, Ratios and Percent

MN, SK, NB - Transformational Geometry

YG, BL, SP, RJ - Transformational Geometry


EK, NN - Textbook Chapter 1 "Do You Remember" - I am using this as a diagnostic

MN, SK, NB - Two Step Transformations A  Two Step Transformations B

YG, BL, SP, RJ - Plotting Coordinates A  Plotting Coordinates B

All Groups: At home: Look at your everyday movements and your surroundings. Where do you see  translations? Where do you see reflections? What rotations do you perform at home? Identify at least 3 for each.


Grade 6/7 Students are investigating how to use an Atlas. They are learning where to find specific maps and how to find information related to the various topics in Geography.

At home:

Please go online to the following sites to continue to familiarize the students with our World. There are online quizzes, puzzles and activities they can work on!

Canadian Atlas

This is a link via our school website:

School Library Link      Canadian Geographic for Kids, Atlas of Canada (Gov't website) and National Geographic Kids are all excellent choices.

Grade 8 - Patterns in Physical Geography, Natural Resources and Sustainability

At home:

Please go online to the following site to allow students to explore various websites.

Link to Learning - Grade 8 Geography