Friday 27 November 2015

7A - Friday, November 27, 2015


There are a few students with outstanding elements to their Poetry Projects. Presentations will occur in a few weeks, once the poetry has been marked. Students WILL receive their work back prior to presentations and be given an outline of what is expected.


We are taking a very deep look in to MEDIA. This is the exact same unit that our other Grade 7 classes have completed.

In September, the class created Media Posters. NOW, we are looking at the key concepts of Media...

1. All Media are "CONSTRUCTED"

2. All Media constructs reality

3. Audiences negotiate meaning in media

4. Media have commercial implications

5. Media messages have social and political implications

Stay tuned!!!

HSP 6,7,8 - Friday, November 27, 2015

Progress reports are just around the corner! You will be receiving your child's progress report in the beginning of December. PLEASE NOTE * there are NO MARKS on this report card. These reports will indicate your child's progress as of the end of October / beginning of November. Formal Report Cards will be coming home in the New Year.


Writing - Students are working on answering questions in COMPLETE sentences. This means, using part of the question in their answer, usually to begin the answer. They are encouraged to use information from the given text AND THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES to justify and support their answers. 

Reading - Students are working on Book Reports. These aren't "your average book report!" Instead, students are organizing the information using specific questions (see above for HOW they are writing their answers) and preparing computer presentations. 

Media / Oral Communication - Students will be learning how to prepare effective POWER POINT presentations at school. We will book the computer lab and learn how to set up pages, change text, add images and even put in special effects to enhance the presentations.

Due Date: After the holidays. *STUDENTS WILL NOT BE BRINGING ANY OF THIS WORK HOME.* I need to see them work through the PROCESS and evaluate them accordingly.


Students have just completed their Unit 2 Tests. Marks will be available once all tests have been written and marked. 

Next unit work includes: strategies for multiplying and dividing. Please look for your child's initials in upcoming blog posts for specifics and homework activities.


Students in Grade 6 are continuing to learn about Canada's role in events around the world. Recently, we read about the "Plight of the Refugees" - an information text about the experiences of Syrian children who are refugees and Canada's role in supporting them. Currently, we are looking at the OPPORTUNITIES and CHALLENGES that refugees face. 

7 - Continuing to learn about Upper and Lower Canada and the challenges facing the various groups. 

8 - Continuing to learn about pre-Confederation challenges.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Prepping for Math Test - HSP Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The students in HSP will be having their Unit 2 Math test on Friday, November 27th. I have conferenced with the groups and provided them with an outline of the lessons they need to review in order to prepare for the test. This will be an OPEN BOOK TEST, so they are able to use their notes to help them.

Please look for your child's initials below to find their specific review:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - conference
AN, YG and RJ – things to do to help prepare for Unit 2 Math Test
1. Place Value -  the value of digits
- relating that as you move to the left in place value, the value of the digit is 10 times as great as the place value before
- standard form, expanded form and in a chart

Eg: How many 10’s are in: 300? 3000? 30 000?
How many 100’s are in 300? 3000? 30 000?
How many 1000’s are in 3000? 30 000?
2. Representing numbers
Eg. 37 540 – the value of the 3 is 30 000; the value of the 7 is 7000, etc.

3. Estimating – rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 to estimate sums and differences

SS and VV - things to do to help prepare for Unit 2 Math Test

1. Addition and Subtraction Strategies - doubles, doubles plus one

Eg: 5+5= 10 (double); 5+6= 11 (solved - 5+5=1= +1 = 11) (double plus one)

2. Inverse Relationship (fact families) and using this to solve for missing numbers

Eg: 6+4=1=, 4+6=1=, 10-6=4, 10-4=6

3. Adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping

*students must show their work

DN, FM, CW, JD and JL - things to do to help prep for Unit 2 Math Test

1. Place Value in large numbers (ones all the way to hundred millions)

- standard form: 1 345 292
- expanded form: 1 000 000 + 300 000 + 40 000 + 5 000 + 200 + 90 + 2
- number word form: one million, three hundred forty five thousand, two hundred ninety two

2. Multiples - start on a number and count on by that number

Eg. - 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30...

3. Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

- A number that only has 2 factors (1 and itself) is a PRIME number 
Eg - 7 is a prime number (1 and 7)

- A number that has more than 2 factors is COMPOSITE
Eg - 12 is a composite number (1 and 12, 2 and 6, 3 and 4)

3. Factors - Factor trees

4. Order of Operations (BEDMAS)

5. Integers (+ and -)