Wednesday 27 November 2013

7A FRENCH IMMERSION ENGLISH - Week of November 25-29, 2013

This post does NOT apply to the students in 6/7 E-1...this post ONLY applies to the French Immersion Students in 7A.

Week of  November 25 - 29, 2013

Students are using their SCHEMA to set the stage for our Narrative Unit. Each year, they will build upon previous learning / skills to grow and develop their Reading and Writing abilities.

Tasks in class:

  • -Pre-Assessment (Aesop's Fable - choice between 2; students answered specific questions, using the text to support their answers) **This is not an assessment for Reporting purposes. This is to inform my teaching :)

  • -Venn Diagram for Fiction /  Non-Fiction (students worked in groups and then shared results with whole class to create personal notes) Here is what 7A discussed / developed:

Fiction - make believe, imagination/creativity, fable/fairytale, dialogue, plot, characters, mythology, moral/lesson, magic, mystery/suspense,themed, narrative.

Non-Fiction - authentic(past, present,future), labels, diagrams, photos, captions, factual, quotes, purpose:to inform, evidence, real people, table of contents, index, glossary, current events, research, bibliography,(Examples-textbooks, biographies, diaries, documentary, news)

Both - setting(time, place), captions, subtitles, titles, historical fiction, illustrations, prologue, epilogue, series /volumes

  • - Students read the short story Fear.... by Budge Wilson - Using prior knowledge about NARRATIVES, groups will chart the basic elements of a Narrative, using information from the text to identify these elements

(notes on Elements of Narrative to follow next week)