Wednesday 9 December 2015

HSP 6/7/8 Week of December 7-11, 2015

The Winter Break is just around the corner!

What's going on this week: 

You will be receiving your child's Progress Report Card this Thursday, December 10th. 


Writing - Students are working on answering questions in COMPLETE sentences. This means, using part of the question in their answer, usually to begin the answer. They are encouraged to use information from the given text AND THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES to justify and support their answers. 

Reading - Students are working on Book Reports. These aren't "your average book report!" Instead, students are organizing the information using specific questions (see above for HOW they are writing their answers) and preparing computer presentations. 

Media / Oral Communication - Students will be learning how to prepare effective POWER POINT presentations at school. We will book the computer lab and learn how to set up pages, change text, add images and even put in special effects to enhance the presentations.

Due Date: After the holidays. *STUDENTS WILL NOT BE BRINGING ANY OF THIS WORK HOME.* I need to see them work through the PROCESS and evaluate them accordingly.

HOMEWORK: Students are expected to be reading at home for a minimum of half an hour each day. Students are also encouraged to keep a journal to practice writing for a purpose. 


Students are working on strategies to multiply and divide. Please look for your child's initials for their work. 


SS and VV Arrays 1  Arrays 2 

AN, YG and RJ    Using arrays for doubling


Gr. 6 - We are learning about "The Plight of the Refugees". Through vocabulary development, reading, answering questions in complete sentences and various discussions, we are looking at WHO these people are, WHY they need help and HOW Canada is intervening to support. We are also discussing the important social concepts of EMPATHY, TOLERANCE and SUPPORT.

One particular activity we are working on is a chart of "CHALLENGES" vs "OPPORTUNITIES" for the refugees. We are looking at: In Syria, On the Move, In a Refugee Camp and In Canada.

Please take some time to watch the news and discuss this particular current event. 

Gr. 7 - Continuing to learn about New France and the early development of Canada.

Gr. 8 - Continuing to learn about Confederation - the events leading up to this and the social, economic and political implications.

Friday 27 November 2015

7A - Friday, November 27, 2015


There are a few students with outstanding elements to their Poetry Projects. Presentations will occur in a few weeks, once the poetry has been marked. Students WILL receive their work back prior to presentations and be given an outline of what is expected.


We are taking a very deep look in to MEDIA. This is the exact same unit that our other Grade 7 classes have completed.

In September, the class created Media Posters. NOW, we are looking at the key concepts of Media...

1. All Media are "CONSTRUCTED"

2. All Media constructs reality

3. Audiences negotiate meaning in media

4. Media have commercial implications

5. Media messages have social and political implications

Stay tuned!!!

HSP 6,7,8 - Friday, November 27, 2015

Progress reports are just around the corner! You will be receiving your child's progress report in the beginning of December. PLEASE NOTE * there are NO MARKS on this report card. These reports will indicate your child's progress as of the end of October / beginning of November. Formal Report Cards will be coming home in the New Year.


Writing - Students are working on answering questions in COMPLETE sentences. This means, using part of the question in their answer, usually to begin the answer. They are encouraged to use information from the given text AND THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES to justify and support their answers. 

Reading - Students are working on Book Reports. These aren't "your average book report!" Instead, students are organizing the information using specific questions (see above for HOW they are writing their answers) and preparing computer presentations. 

Media / Oral Communication - Students will be learning how to prepare effective POWER POINT presentations at school. We will book the computer lab and learn how to set up pages, change text, add images and even put in special effects to enhance the presentations.

Due Date: After the holidays. *STUDENTS WILL NOT BE BRINGING ANY OF THIS WORK HOME.* I need to see them work through the PROCESS and evaluate them accordingly.


Students have just completed their Unit 2 Tests. Marks will be available once all tests have been written and marked. 

Next unit work includes: strategies for multiplying and dividing. Please look for your child's initials in upcoming blog posts for specifics and homework activities.


Students in Grade 6 are continuing to learn about Canada's role in events around the world. Recently, we read about the "Plight of the Refugees" - an information text about the experiences of Syrian children who are refugees and Canada's role in supporting them. Currently, we are looking at the OPPORTUNITIES and CHALLENGES that refugees face. 

7 - Continuing to learn about Upper and Lower Canada and the challenges facing the various groups. 

8 - Continuing to learn about pre-Confederation challenges.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Prepping for Math Test - HSP Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The students in HSP will be having their Unit 2 Math test on Friday, November 27th. I have conferenced with the groups and provided them with an outline of the lessons they need to review in order to prepare for the test. This will be an OPEN BOOK TEST, so they are able to use their notes to help them.

Please look for your child's initials below to find their specific review:

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 - conference
AN, YG and RJ – things to do to help prepare for Unit 2 Math Test
1. Place Value -  the value of digits
- relating that as you move to the left in place value, the value of the digit is 10 times as great as the place value before
- standard form, expanded form and in a chart

Eg: How many 10’s are in: 300? 3000? 30 000?
How many 100’s are in 300? 3000? 30 000?
How many 1000’s are in 3000? 30 000?
2. Representing numbers
Eg. 37 540 – the value of the 3 is 30 000; the value of the 7 is 7000, etc.

3. Estimating – rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 to estimate sums and differences

SS and VV - things to do to help prepare for Unit 2 Math Test

1. Addition and Subtraction Strategies - doubles, doubles plus one

Eg: 5+5= 10 (double); 5+6= 11 (solved - 5+5=1= +1 = 11) (double plus one)

2. Inverse Relationship (fact families) and using this to solve for missing numbers

Eg: 6+4=1=, 4+6=1=, 10-6=4, 10-4=6

3. Adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping

*students must show their work

DN, FM, CW, JD and JL - things to do to help prep for Unit 2 Math Test

1. Place Value in large numbers (ones all the way to hundred millions)

- standard form: 1 345 292
- expanded form: 1 000 000 + 300 000 + 40 000 + 5 000 + 200 + 90 + 2
- number word form: one million, three hundred forty five thousand, two hundred ninety two

2. Multiples - start on a number and count on by that number

Eg. - 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30...

3. Prime Numbers and Composite Numbers

- A number that only has 2 factors (1 and itself) is a PRIME number 
Eg - 7 is a prime number (1 and 7)

- A number that has more than 2 factors is COMPOSITE
Eg - 12 is a composite number (1 and 12, 2 and 6, 3 and 4)

3. Factors - Factor trees

4. Order of Operations (BEDMAS)

5. Integers (+ and -)

Wednesday 21 October 2015

7A English Homework - Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Write 2 Cinquain poems (see homework sheet for guidelines).

Topics can be of your own choice. Please remember to use very juicy vocabulary!!

Don't forget to identify which Cinquain Pattern you are writing - #1 or #2.

Friday 2 October 2015

6/7/8 HSP Homework

MATH: Please look for your initials and click on the links for your homework

VV, SS - Place Value 1 Place Value Expanded Form

JD, SH - Number Patterns 1  Number Patterns 2

AN, RJ, YG - Pre-Algebra 1 Number Patterns 1

JJ, DN, FM - Number Patterns 1 Number Patterns 2


All students are to watch a news episode with the family and discuss events that occur LOCALLY, NATIONALLY and INTERNATIONALLY.


Students are to read minimum 30 minutes each day. Students are also encouraged to keep a Writer's Notebook at home for daily writing / journaling.

Thursday 17 September 2015

7A Media Placemat Assignment

Assignment Number One: Media Placemat

DUE DATE: Thursday, September 24, 2015

Students are to create an 8.5 x 11 collage of images that demonstrate how Media represents them. They will be required to present their poster to the class. Students are encouraged to use the Media Mind Map co-created in class. This is in their notes.

Success Criteria for Media Placemat 
      I can...

  • fill the whole page
  • choose accurate images to represent "me" and emphasize their importance
  • show a variety of images
  • be neat and organized
  • be creative

Success Criteria for Presentation

      I can...

  • use appropriate volume
  • speak clearly and at a good pace
  • scan my audience
  • practice and prepare (cue cards)
  • speak without reading
  • use gestures and expressions when appropriate

Wednesday 16 September 2015

7A English - Mapping Your Heart

We began our Poetry Unit last week. Using the ideas of Georgia Heard, we are looking at digging deeper, beyond the average "Soccer is my favourite sport" or "My dog" poems. We are looking at identifying the things that matter.

7A - Where Does Poetry Hide?

emotions, feelings, thoughts, books, films, quotes, speeches, opinions, riddles, songs, experiences, memories, religious beliefs, nature, personality, yelling, laughter, happiness, anger, sadness, loss, weakness, secrets, fear

Students then "mapped their heart" to identify people/things/experiences that truly matter to them. This Heart Map is to be kept in each student's binder as a reference during this unit. This is an idea generator.

Guiding Questions: 

What has affected you? What memories, moments, people, animals, objects, books, fears, scars, friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers, other people, journeys, dreams, crushes, relationships, comforts, learning experiences?
What people have been important to you?
What are some experiences or events that you will never forget?
What happy or sad memories do you have?
What secrets have you kept in your heart?
What small things or objects are important to you?
What do you keep outside your heart?

Thursday 10 September 2015

HSP 6/7/8 Welcome Back! September 10, 2015

Welcome back to the 6/7/8 HSP Class!

Our classroom blog is now up and running. Please check this weekly, as there will be information posted about English, Math, Social Studies / History and Geography as well as upcoming events and opportunities for the Students.

English - Firstly, the Students are completing BASELINE assessment for me. I use this to help write their IEP's and begin to program for them. I asses: Spelling, Reading (CASI/Flint-Cooter or DRA/JRA) and basic writing samples.

The students are completing Quilt pages! They are learning Media Literacy along with demonstrating VOICE in their creative writing. 

HOMEWORK: Students will be receiving a blank notebook this week. They are to keep it at home and write weekly. Their writing could take many forms. This year our focus will be on purpose and audience.

Students are also encouraged to visit the school and public library. They should be reading for approximately 30 minutes each day at home for homework.

Math - This week, Students are completing a baseline numeracy assessment. As we begin our program, Students will be working on individualized programs in Math.

HOMEWORK: This week, students are encouraged to memorize Multiplication Facts to 12. This will help reduce some of the reliance on calculators for simple Math. DON'T WORRY...calculators are allowed and encouraged during Math work when students need them :)

Social Studies (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. 

History / Geography (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

7A English - Welcome Back! September 10, 2015

Welcome to Willowdale!

It is a pleasure to be working with the French Immersion class again this year!

Each week, we will post what we are learning, assignments, timelines and Success Criteria so that Students and Parents are able to access classroom learning.

Next week....CASI... Students will be completing this assessment in class Wednesday and Thursday. 

ONGOING HOMEWORK: Students are encouraged to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Students are encouraged to keep a Writer's Notebook at home where they can jot down ideas, or write what's on their mind.

This week, students were introduced to MEDIA. Each table group mind-mapped the various ways that Media affects them. From there, we discussed all of their ideas. We will compile a master list that will be posted in class. STAY TUNED...this Mind Map will be used to help the students with their first assignment next week!

Thursday 9 April 2015

6/7/8 HSP - Week of April 7-10

ENGLISH - We are working on several small projects right now:

A - Guided Reading - Students are in 2 groups

The Loch Ness Monster - non-fiction

Weekly tasks: (VOCABULARY was to be completed last week - definitions and sentences)

1. Read story
2. Reflect on reading using Think Marks - students asked to think about passage and use proof from the story to justify their answers
3. Making Connections - students given opportunity to use story to find "for" and "against" facts to complete a t-chart then write a persuasive paragraph convincing someone the Loch Ness Monster "does" or "does not" exist

The Wise Old Woman - fiction

Weekly tasks: (VOCABULARY was to be completed last week - definitions and sentences)

1. Read story
2. Reflect on reading using Think Marks - students asked to think about passage and use proof from the story to justify their answers
3. Making Connections - students were asked to think of someone "elderly" who has made an important influence on their life - writing task

B - DRAMA - Anti Bullying Plays

Students are working in small groups with Ms. Speedman's students. The groups are presenting their plays in two weeks. Next week, we will be focusing on movement and placement on "stage".


1. Students are asked to read over their Role for the anti-bullying play. They will have their copy of the play home from Thursday to Sunday.

2. Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.


EK, NN - Beginning new unit - Rates, Ratios and Percent

MN, SK, NB - Transformational Geometry

YG, BL, SP, RJ - Transformational Geometry


EK, NN - Textbook Chapter 1 "Do You Remember" - I am using this as a diagnostic

MN, SK, NB - Two Step Transformations A  Two Step Transformations B

YG, BL, SP, RJ - Plotting Coordinates A  Plotting Coordinates B

All Groups: At home: Look at your everyday movements and your surroundings. Where do you see  translations? Where do you see reflections? What rotations do you perform at home? Identify at least 3 for each.


Grade 6/7 Students are investigating how to use an Atlas. They are learning where to find specific maps and how to find information related to the various topics in Geography.

At home:

Please go online to the following sites to continue to familiarize the students with our World. There are online quizzes, puzzles and activities they can work on!

Canadian Atlas

This is a link via our school website:

School Library Link      Canadian Geographic for Kids, Atlas of Canada (Gov't website) and National Geographic Kids are all excellent choices.

Grade 8 - Patterns in Physical Geography, Natural Resources and Sustainability

At home:

Please go online to the following site to allow students to explore various websites.

Link to Learning - Grade 8 Geography

Friday 27 March 2015

7B Media Assignment - Summarizing and Making Connections

Students will be given this assignment on Tuesday, March 31, AFTER they have received both peer and Teacher feedback on a summarizing activity this week in class.

Due Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 AT THE END OF CLASS

Materials: Student copy of The Mirror, YouTube video for Dove Evolution:

1. Write a paragraph for each Media Text, summarizing the main idea for each. (What are they about?)
2. Write a paragraph to make connections between the Media Texts. Refer to: morals, characteristics or other features (main "character", etc.).
3. A statement is made at the end of the story and the end of the commercial.
a) Identify the statements.

b) Write a paragraph to identify the connection between the two statements you identified in part a). 

Co-Created Success Criteria:

I can…
- clearly summarize the main idea in each Media Text
- use the Somebody Wanted But So Then model to help me summarize
- make clear connections to each Media Text and give examples to show those connections
- identify and explain the statement made on each Media Text
- make clear connections to each statement and give examples to show those connections
- write 5-8 sentence paragraphs for each answer
- make notes for each Media Text to help me write my rough draft
- write a rough draft
- edit my work (showing all of my changes and improvements)
- write a second draft (good copy)
- hand in my notes, edited rough draft (showing all of my changes and improvements) and my good copy
- hand my work in on time
- demonstrate a positive mindset towards my work
- show good work habits
- use my time wisely in class

Marking Scheme: 

Media Summary / Connection Rubric

Level 1

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Media Text Analysis
Student has difficulty identifying and summarizing information from both texts. Little to no explanation included.
Student identifies some of the information included in the text, and experiences some difficulty summarizing text. There is very little explanation.
Student identifies information included in the texts, and summarizes texts with adequate explanation.
Student clearly identifies information from both texts. Student clearly explains both media texts.
Personal Connection
Student attempts to make a personal connection. Example (i.e. moral, characteristic, etc) is attempted, but incomplete.
Student makes one personal connection.  Student identifies one example (i.e. moral, characteristic, etc.) Example is related to one media texts.
Student makes personal connections. Student identifies a few examples (i.e. morals, characteristics, etc.) Examples are related to both media texts.
Student has clearly made several personal connections. Student clearly identifies several examples (i.e. morals, characteristics, etc.). Student can clearly explain their connection to Media, with examples.
Moral / Statement
Student attempts to identify a moral related to the statement.
Student identifies one moral related to the statement.
Student identifies each moral related to the statement.
Student clearly identifies each moral related statement, with textual evidence
Media Connection
Student attempts to make a connection. Example is attempted, but incomplete.
Student makes one personal connection. Example is related to  one media texts.
Student makes personal connections. Examples are related to both media texts.
Student has clearly made several personal connections. Examples are clearly related to both media texts. Student can clearly explain their connection to Media, using examples.

Students are required to hand in: notes, rough draft that SHOWS ALL EDITING and good copy. All components are due at the same time on the due date. LATE ASSIGNMENTS will be marked at 85%. 

Monday 23 March 2015

6/7/8 HSP Monday, March 23, 2015

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing March Break!

Here is our week:


1. "Pink Shirt Protest" - we will be reading an article about why the Day of Pink was initiated.


 - using note-taking strategies to help identify important information and begin to take notes in order to write independent Summaries of the article
- t-charts of what we can do to stop someone who is bullying and help someone who is being bullied
- MEDIA posters / announcements / advertisements to create and share a message about anti-bullying

2. Guided Reading - We are beginning new Guided  Reading groups this week

Group 1 - MN, NB, EK, NN, SK

Group 2 - YG, BL, SP, RJ

Groups will be working on vocabulary building, comprehension, making connections and extending their thinking.


Students still needing to do their test: YG, MN, NB, BL, SK, RJ and SP



NN, EK - 7.3, 7.4, 7.5  - text and workbook (Nelson)

MN, NB, SK - Cartesian Coordinates, Flips, Slides and Turns

SP - Tranformational Geometry work

YG, BL, RJ - Flips, Slides, Turns and Symmetry

GEOGRAPHY - All students working on tasks using an Atlas

Friday 20 February 2015

7B Movie Review - Terms

1. Movie Review Terms (There will be a test at the end of the unit!!)

Blurbs - when a quote from a review is used in an advertisement for the movie

Critic - a professional who publishes his opinion on a particular movie/play/book

Mediocre - ordinary but not especially outstanding

Clichè - something that's been used so many times that it no longer surprises or interests the audience; overexposure; stereotyped

Character driven - when the characters in  a fictional work develop over the course of the story into people you care about

High Concept - when the idea behind the story is interesting enough to get people to see the movie without knowing anything else about it

Plot - what the story is about; the pattern of events

Hype - using different techniques to get the audience excited about the story

Out of Context - when quotes are mixed up and changed around to give the words a different meaning

Puns - a clever play on words

Editorial Rights - when handing over a review to a publication, the editor has the power to create a title and cut things out of the review

Syndication - when the same article is published in more than one newspaper or publication

Ratings System - when the critic uses a scale to show the degree of how much they recommend the movie

Audience demographics - when the critic recommends that only a certain group of people should see, or not see, the film

Critical Bias - when the critic cannot review the film fairly due to a personal problem with something in the film

Spoilers - when a critic reveals secrets and plot points that could ruin the surprise for the audience and lessen their enjoyment of the movie

HSP 6/7/8 - Week of February 17-20

We are using the Novel The Breadwinner to connect with both English and Geography.

English / Geography:

- Vocabulary building
- Summarizing skills (please see post from last week for homework ideas)
- making connections (text to text, text to self, text to world, text to media...) to the story to increase understanding
- connecting to Drama (small groups) to demonstrate connections between characters in the story
- using Atlas to locate Afghanistan, the countries surrounding, the climate, etc.


Finishing up data managment

Students should be prepared to take an open book test next Tuesday. They are reviewing in class to help prepare. Students are encouraged to complete work from older blog posts, showing their work for each step.

NN and EK have already done their test. They will be preparing to start the next unit.

Thursday 12 February 2015

7B Summarizing - for February 17, 2015

Summarizing effectively and concisely is an important skill. Here is what we are working on in class next week:

This is How to Summarize

SOMEBODY - tell who the main characters in the story are and describe them

WANTED - what was the main character trying to accomplish or achieve in the story? What was the goal?

BUT - what or who was standing in the way of the main character's goal? What was the problem?

SO - what major events happened after the problem arose?

THEN - how did the story end? How did the problem get resolved? Tell the conclusion.

This week....the students in 7B will be applying this to the Fractured Fairytale that they have chosen in class. They will be applying this to an upcoming Media / Fable assignment (to be posted at a later date).

HOMEWORK - please have your son/daughter read an article in the newspaper / online newspaper and use these categories to begin to identify the important information. Then, using only that information, write a detailed paragraph summarizing the original article.

7B The Creation Of Man - Focussing on Elements of a Narrative

The students read the Native American Legend, The Creation of Man to investigate and analyze the characteristics of a Narrative. Here are the questions presented in class:

PLEASE REMEMBER: Answer each question in complete paragraph form. Please refer to blog post from November on "How to Answer Questions"

1. Describe 2 character traits about Coyote's personality. Use examples from the text in your answer.

2. When and where do you think the story takes place. Explain.

3. What is the main conflict in the story? What type of conflict is this? How is the conflict resolved?

4. What is the climax of the story? Why do you think so?

5. Identify 2 morals from the story. Explain why you think these are the morals.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Updated Math Homework for HSP 6/7/8

Math Homework: Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Questions about Pictographs

Questions about Pictographs 2



Mean: the average

To calculate the mean, add the numbers together, then divide by the number of numbers

3+7+11+9 = 30      30 divided by 4 = 7.5

Median: putting the numbers in order from smallest to largest and finding the middle number

3, 7, 9, 11 middle number is between 7 and 9 is 8

Mode: the number that occurs most often

60  73  80  73  51        73 is the mode

Mean, Median and Mode 1

Mean, Median and Mode 2

Friday 6 February 2015

7B Friday, February 6, 2015 - Update and Homework

We are beginning our Narrative Unit. Please read the following work and then complete the CHALLENGE question at the bottom for homework:

The Camel and the Mouse by Rumi

One day an untended camel was approached by a mouse. "Let me lead you," the mouse said. Since the cam had nowhere to go and no one to protect him, he agreed to follow the mouse.

Taking the camel's halter in his hand, the mouse began to march the camel across the wilderness. It wasn't long before they came to a swift and angry river. The mouse pulled back from the shore, but the camel stepped into the water. It was up to his knees.

"Take me up on your shoulders and carry me across the river," the mouse commanded, "or I will drown."

"You should have thought of this before you tried to become a leader," the camel answered, and marched across the river by himself.

The Oh So Grand Ox, and the Poor Pathetic Frog By La Fontaine

One day an ox, having wandered far from his home, came to a pond that was filled with water lilies. He did not notice the croaking frog who was trying very hard to get his attention. Although the ox heard the croaking, he had no idea what it meant, or even who was doing it. He was too busy admiring the water lilies.

Meanwhile, the frog -- who had never before seen a creature so large or majestic, so proud or mysterious, or so strange -- found herself growing larger and larger in an attempt to be noticed. Croaking and puffing, and puffing and croaking, she sprang from her lily pad to the shore, but she still couldn't get the ox's attention.

Finally, the frog began rolling on her sides, and twisting her head this way and that, to see if she had been noticed, until her outer skin was so completely filled with hot air that she exploded.

The ox looked down to see what had made such a noise, but the frog, of course, was no longer there.

CHALLENGE: The moral of a fable is sometimes directly stated at the end of the story. Decide how you would express the moral of each of the two model fables. You may write: The moral of (insert title) is...

Thursday 5 February 2015

HSP 6/7/8 TERM 2!!!

After the craziness of the end-of-term work collection / finish up, we are up and running for Term 2! Thank you for your patience :)

English: We are beginning Persuasion. This will take many forms: 

For / Against charts
Vocabulary building (word choice to make what you're saying effective)
Letter Writing

Our focus will remain: AUDIENCE - Who is your audience? What is the best form for that audience? What is the most effective language for that audience? 

Homework: Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.

Math: Students are working at various levels / topics. Please refer to intials for each student's suggested homework. 

JK - Finding basic information from Graphs

Homework: Questions about Graphs

BL, SP, RJ, YG - Finding information from Graphs

Homework: Questions about Graphs

MN, SK, NB - Math Makes Sense - Interpreting Graphs - answering questions about various types of graphs and inferring what the results mea

Homework: Questions about Circle Graphs   Questions about Broken Line Graphs

EK, NN - Looking at Bias in Data from Surveys 

Homework: Bias in Data

Tuesday 13 January 2015

7B Procedural Writing Assignment

The students are working in class to create an accurate, precise Procedural Plan. They will be making a PowerPoint to present this to the class. They will receive a Writing, Media and Oral Presentation mark for this assignment. DUE: January 26, 2015

1. Success Criteria for Procedural Writing / Power Point Presentation

I can…

∙state the goal in an introduction (2-3 sentences…make it interesting and catchy)

∙list all of the materials with diagrams / visual aids

∙write the steps in a clear, chronological order

∙use strong, precise language (be specific)

∙add simple visual for every step with labels where appropriate (can be photographs)

∙show the finished product

∙write a conclusion that summarizes: Did it work? Why or why not? (1 paragraph)

∙create a vibrant, eye-catching power point presentation at school (1 slide each for: Goal, Materials, each Step, Conclusion)

2. Evaluation Rubric

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4

1-         1           1+
2-         2           2+
3-        3          3+
4-        4           4+
- An introduction is poorly completed or missing

- A list of materials is included

- Many steps of the procedure are missing or lack detail

- The conclusion is poorly completed or missing

- Student rarely uses correct spelling and grammar in their procedure (9 or more errors).
- A simple introduction is included

- A list of materials is included with a minimal number of diagrams/visuals

- Steps of the procedure are missing or lack important details or visuals/diagrams 

- A conclusion is attempted by the student

- Student sometimes uses correct spelling and grammar in their procedure (6 - 8 errors).
- A good introduction is used for the procedure

- A list of materials with diagrams/visuals is included

- Most of the required steps are present with good details

- A good conclusion is used for the procedure

- Student uses correct spelling and grammar in their procedure most of the time (3 - 5 errors).
- An attention grabbing, creative introduction is included

- A list of materials with diagrams/visuals and labels is included

- All of the required steps are present with specific details, strong vocabulary and proper terminology

- A strong conclusion is included

- Student regularly uses correct spelling and grammar in their procedure (0 - 2 errors).

1-             1                  1+
2-                2                      2+
3-                3                     3+
4-                  4                     4+
Media Production
- Most of the writing is NOT in an easy to read font OR colour that DOES NOT contrast the background
- Has difficulty using effective animations and transitions, they ARE distracting
- Very few slides are neatly organized and most are NOT in a logical order
- Rarely uses appropriate visuals for the materials and steps of the procedure
- Some of the writing is in an easy to read font and colour that contrasts the background
- Sometimes uses effective animations and transitions, most of them ARE distracting
- Some slides are neatly organized and in a logical order
- Minimal use of appropriate visuals for the materials and steps of the procedure
- Most of the writing is in an easy to read font and colour that contrasts the background
- Regularly uses effective animations and transitions, most are NOT distracting
- Most slides are neatly organized and in a logical order
- Regularly uses appropriate visuals for the materials and steps of the procedure
- All of the writing is in an easy to read font and colour that contrasts the background
- Always uses effective animations and transitions, they are NOT distracting
- All slides are neatly organized and in a logical order
- Always uses appropriate visuals for the materials and steps of the procedure