Wednesday 3 February 2016


This week we started a new Health Unit. I will post weekly information for you to review at home with your Parents.


Students participated in a Four Corners activity. They were given the choice to STRONGLY AGREE, AGREE, DISAGREE and STRONGLY DISAGREE with each statement. From there, students were given an opportunity to speak about their choice - why they felt this way - without criticism or judgement.

THIS WAS AN EXTREMELY VALUABLE ACTIVITY! I was given the opportunity to gauge the students' understanding of the concept of Harassment, and plan adequately for our future lessons.

Here is a list of the statements the students were presented with:

1. You and some friends decide to make an obscene or offensive prank phone call as a joke to entertain yourselves.

2. A teacher overhears you and some friends making rude jokes or sexually related comments and finds it inappropriate.

3. You see someone threatening or assaulting another student at lunch recess.

4. A male and female student hug every time they see each other in the hallway.

5. You and a group of peers use a rude nickname to refer to a student you don't like, but that student doesn't know that they have a nickname.

6. You whistle at someone walking by because you think they are attractive.

Next Health lesson:

Students will use a graphic organizer to record the following information:

- DEFINING Harassment
- Examples of Harassment
- What harassment is NOT
- Consequences of Being Harassed (what can happen to the receiver)
- Suggestions for what to do if you are being Harassed