Wednesday 11 December 2013

6/7 E-1 - Week of December 9 - 13, 2013

6/7 E-1

This is a very busy week!

On Monday, the students voted and chose to do a Secret Santa. Each student who chose to participate has a name and a small list of items for ideas for their gift to purchase. The limit is $10 - please try to spend close to that, without going over. *I have a master list of names, in case the students forget.

The date of our Secret Santa Gift Exchange is Thursday, December 19th. 

English - Students are finishing up Grammar work. Most are working on identifying and creating complete sentences, with some students working on more complex sentences using "connecting words".

Students will be doing a "test" on Friday - identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and writing complete sentences.

Here are a few examples:

Math - We are quickly reviewing the basics of time (telling time, relating minutes-hours-days-weeks-months-years, etc.). Based on proficiency, students will progress through passage of time (i.e. hour intervals, 5 minute intervals, random minute intervals, then mixed hour and minute). This task will require loads of patience, as it involves precise work.

Social Studies (6) - Students are finishing their Map of Syria and surrounding countries. When this is complete, the students will have a short Test, using their Reading Text to support their answers.

(7) - Studying and preparing for the upcoming Test.