Wednesday 4 December 2013

7E-1 Grade 7 Test Prep for History Test December 11, 2013

Format of test: 

Multiple Choice, Matching, Labeling (see #1 below) and simple short answer (i.e. List 2 positive and 2 negative interactions between the French and First Nations / Aboriginal).

History Test Will Include the Following:

1. Heirarchy of New France:

This is taken from the diagram in the text and in student notes. 

Minister of the Navy

Governer of New France                                                                                 Intendant
Governors of Montreal, Quebec                Sovereign Council                        Intendant's representatives  and Trois Rivieres                                                                              in Montreal, Quebec and Trois                                                                                                                    Rivieres

Captain of the Militia

Who was on the bottom? (please see vocabulary below for specifics)

Indentured Servants
First Nations

2. Mercantilism and the goods sent to / from France 

This is taken from diagram in the text and in student notes. Please see definitions below for Mercantilism and Triangular Trade.

France imported (received) the following raw materials from New France: furs, wood, fish

In return, France exported (sent) the following to New France: manufactured goods

France imported (received) the following raw materials from Antilles: sugar, rum, tobacco, molasses

In return, France exported (sent) the following to Antilles: manufactured goods

New France exported (sent) the following raw materials to Antilles: fish, flour, peas, wood

In return, Antilles exported (sent) the following goods to New France: sugar, rum, tobacco, coffee, molasses

3. Interactions between French and First Nations

As we have read and discussed, there were many positives and negatives as a result of the the newcomers arriving in what is now Canada. Here is a copy of our chart:
French and Aboriginal Interaction

- trade between French and First Nations benefited the French economy and provided many useful items for Aboriginals
-French learned survival skills from Aboriginals inter-marriage between French and Aboriginals
-Inter-marriage between French and Aboriginal people created a new, officially-recognized group of people in Canada: Metis
-Trade caused conflict among Aboriginal people as they competed for the right to trade with the French
-religion-Aboriginals resented attempts by the French to replace their spiritual beliefs with the Roman-Catholic religion
-French introduced diseases for which the Aboriginals had no defence: smallpox, flu; many Aboriginals died
-French introduced alcohol to the Aboriginals and this negatively affected their ways of life

4. Vocabulary:

Chapter 2 Definitions
Hierarchical Society
A society in which there are distinct levels of status or authority.
A person who oversees a colony on behalf of a monarch
IntendantA high-ranking government official.
Sovereign Council
The body appointed by the governor to administer New France.
Someone who is not born into the upper classes of society.
ClergyPeople trained to lead religious organizations.
A high-ranking Church official, usually in charge of a district or diocese.
A geographical area in which all the churches of a particular denomination are over-seen by a bishop.
ParishThe area served by a local church.
Lay OrganizationReligious organizations run by people who are not clergy.
CensusAn official count of the population, including information such as occupation, gender, age, religion, and ethnic origin.
Indentured Servant


Triangular Trade

A person who is under contract to serve their employer for a set time, doing hard labour for very little pay

An economic system in which a colony provides the parent country with cheap raw materials and buys manufactured goods in return.

An economic system in which a colony could trade only with its parent country or with other colonies from the same country.