Thursday 18 September 2014

6/7/8 HSP - Thursday, September 18, 2014

Just a reminder that tonight is Willowdale`s Curriculum Night! Hoping to see many of you at 7:00 pm tonight!

Here is our week at a glance:

ENGLISH - Poetry

Here is a list of the poems the students have written so far in their Writer`s Notebook:

1. I remember, I forget (tapping into memories)

2. Biography Poem (tapping into juicy descriptive language and explaining thoughts and ideas)

3. Someday Poem (tapping into hopes and dreams)

4. Free Verse (using their heart map, write thoughts, ideas and emotions about something meaningful)

HOMEWORK: Each student was given their own At-Home Writer`s Notebook today. Please keep this at home for your child to write in.

Reading - students should be reading for approximately half and hour each day.

MATH - Students have started working on Patterning. We are beginning with a review (what we know) and will be building on knowledge and skills to push our Mathematical Thinking. Students are grouped for Math.

HOMEWORK: It is extremely important for our students to develop proficiency in basic Mathematical computations. Please continue to memorize multiplication facts (to 12x12)....and division (144/12).

SOCIAL STUDIES (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. The students used information from the text and their own ideas to complete a t-chart for and against the pipeline. Then, they picked which side they agreed with most and wrote a COMPLETE 5-sentence paragraph to express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and organized way.

We have also taken a few moments to investigate the current Referendum in Scotland. We have related this event to discussion in Canada over several years of those in Quebec who want Sovereignty. The students demonstrated some knowledge and were able to make some connections between these events.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Tuesday 16 September 2014

7B Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - HOMEWORK

Students who did not finish their BIOGRAPHY Poem are asked to finish this for homework. It is due next class: Wednesday, September 17, 2014.

Students are also asked to bring in a copy of the lyrics of their favourite song. They can be printed by computer or handwritten. Both are acceptable. This is due Thursday, September 18, 2014.

Friday 12 September 2014

7B ENGLISH - Friday, September 12, 2014

ENGLISH - Students are almost finished their CASI Assessments. This includes reading passages and comprehension questions to identify areas of strength and need.

We also started our Poetry Unit on Friday. Using the ideas of Georgia Heard, we are looking at digging deeper, beyond the average "Soccer is my favourite sport" or "My dog" poems. We are looking at identifying the things that matter.

7B - Where Does Poetry Hide?

-lyrics of songs  -imagination  -emotions  -literature  -heart  -dark  -dreams  -thoughts  -mind  -future
-soul  -past

Students then "mapped their heart" to identify people/things/experiences that truly matter to them.

Lastly, students listened to a poem called Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek. This poem reiterates that ideas and meaning are found in so many places - from the beauty in nature to the love of a family member.

Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek

I have a song, deep in my heart,
and only I can hear it.
If I close my eyes and sit very still
it is so easy to listen to my song
When my eyes are open
and I am so busy and moving and busy,
if I take time and listen very hard,
I can still hear my heartsong.
It makes me feel happy.
Happier than ever.
Happier than everywhere,
and everything and everyone in the world.
Happy like thinking about
Going to Heaven when I die.
My heartsong goes like this-
I love you! I love you!
How happy can you be!
How happy can you make this whole world be!
And sometimes it's other
Tunes and words, too.
But it always sings the same special song.
But do you know what?
All people have a special song
Inside their hearts!
Everyone in the whole world has a special heartsong.
If you believe in magical, musical hearts.
And if you believe you can be happy
Then you, too, will hear your song.

HOMEWORK - Find lyrics to your favourite song. Either print them from the computer or write them out (either is fine) and be prepared to share them with the class on Monday. REMEMBER...your lyrics must be appropriate for school (no bad language, no suggestive comments and no weapons-talk). This is due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Reading - 30 minutes each day.

HSP Friday, September 12, 2014

We have had a very busy week! Our school had two successful Fire Drills and a successful lockdown practice. Safety of Students and Staff are extremely important.

ENGLISH - Students are almost finished their Baseline Reading Assessments. This includes reading passages and comprehension questions to identify areas of strength and need.

We also started our Poetry Unit on Friday. Using the ideas of Georgia Heard, we are looking at digging deeper, beyond the average "Soccer is my favourite sport" or "My dog" poems. We are looking at identifying the things that matter.

6/7/8 HSP - Where Does Poetry Hide?

-in the attic  -cards  -basement  -restaurant  -in your hearts  -forest  -animals  -water  -park  -memories
-at school  -vacations  -an old house  -book  -graveyard  -imagination  -anywhere  -closet  -dance
-friends  -family  -music

Students then "mapped their heart" to identify people/things/experiences that truly matter to them.

Lastly, students listened to a poem called Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek. This poem reiterates that ideas and meaning are found in so many places - from the beauty in nature to the love of a family member.

Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek

I have a song, deep in my heart,
and only I can hear it.
If I close my eyes and sit very still
it is so easy to listen to my song
When my eyes are open
and I am so busy and moving and busy,
if I take time and listen very hard,
I can still hear my heartsong.
It makes me feel happy.
Happier than ever.
Happier than everywhere,
and everything and everyone in the world.
Happy like thinking about
Going to Heaven when I die.
My heartsong goes like this-
I love you! I love you!
How happy can you be!
How happy can you make this whole world be!
And sometimes it's other
Tunes and words, too.
But it always sings the same special song.
But do you know what?
All people have a special song
Inside their hearts!
Everyone in the whole world has a special heartsong.
If you believe in magical, musical hearts.
And if you believe you can be happy
Then you, too, will hear your song.

HOMEWORK - Find lyrics to your favourite song. Either print them from the computer or write them out (either is fine) and be prepared to share them with the class on Monday. REMEMBER...your lyrics must be appropriate for school (no bad language, no suggestive comments and no weapons-talk). This is due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Reading - 30 minutes each day.

MATH - This week students completed the ONAP Math Assessment. This was completed by the enitre school and the results will help guide our program, as the Staff work with the Math Consultant to plan rich learning tasks.

The students will begin our first unit on Monday.

HOMEWORK - continue to memorize multiplication facts (to 12x12)....and division (144/12)

SOCIAL STUDIES (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. Then, students will "pick a side" and develop a letter, email, or other appropriate communication tool to express their opinion.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Tuesday 9 September 2014

7B English

Welcome to Willowdale!

It is a pleasure to be working with the Extended French class again this year!

Each week, we will post what we are learning, assignments, timelines and Success Criteria so that Students and Parents are able to access classroom learning.

This week....CASI... Students will be completing Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be starting our first Poetry lesson on Thursday.

ONGOING HOMEWORK: Students are encouraged to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Students are encouraged to keep a Writer's Notebook at home where they can jot down ideas, or write what's on their mind.

Last week, students were introduced to MEDIA. Each table group mind-mapped the various ways that Media affects them. From there, we combined all of their ideas and compiled a master list (this will be posted).

ASSIGNMENT NUMBER ONE: Media Placemat Poster due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Students are to create an 8.5 x 11 collage of images that demonstrates how Media represents them. They will be required to present their poster to the class.

*This assignment will give the students two marks: Media Literacy and Oral and Visual Communication.

Co-Created Success Criteria for POSTER:

I CAN...

- choose pertinent illustrations
- be creative
- make a personal connection to illustrations
- cover the entire page
- create an organized collage
- use images to identify and represent me / media and emphasize their importance
- clearly identify and explain images

Co-Created Success Criteria for PRESENTATION:

I CAN...

- make eye contact with audience
- speak loudly and clearly
- speak fluently
- speak without reading my work
- bring audience into it
- speak with intonation
- speak with appropriate pace (not to fast, not too slow, just right)
- plant my feet and have appropriate stance
- use gestures, when appropriate
- be professional (i.e. no laughing)

6/7/8 HSP Post #1 Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome back to the 6/7/8 HSP Class!

Our classroom blog is now up and running. Please check this weekly, as there will be information posted about English, Math, Social Studies / History and Geography as well as upcoming events and opportunities for the Students.

English - Firstly, the Students are completing BASELINE assessment for me. I use this to help write their IEP's and begin to program for them. I asses: Spelling, Reading (CASI/Flint-Cooter or DRA/JRA) and basic writing samples.

The students are completing FAKEBOOK pages! They are learning Media Literacy along with demonstrating VOICE in their creative writing. Don't worry...the Students are not using Facebook...this is a paper-pencil task that they are completing to help decorate our classroom!!

HOMEWORK: Students will be receiving a blank notebook this week. They are to keep it at home and write weekly. Their writing could take many forms. This year our focus will be on purpose and audience.

Students are also encouraged to visit the school and public library. They should be reading for approximately 30 minutes each day at home for homework.

Math - This week, Students are completing  ONAP as a baseline assessment. As we begin our program, Students will be working on individualized programs in Math.

HOMEWORK: This week, students are encouraged to memorize Multiplication Facts to 12. This will help reduce some of the reliance on calculators for simple Math. DON'T WORRY...calculators are allowed and encouraged during Math work when students need them :)

Social Studies (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

History / Geography (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. Then, students will "pick a side" and develop a letter, email, or other appropriate communication tool to express their opinion.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Students and Parents: Please read BLOG titles...they will indicate which class / sports team each entry is directed towards.