Tuesday 9 September 2014

7B English

Welcome to Willowdale!

It is a pleasure to be working with the Extended French class again this year!

Each week, we will post what we are learning, assignments, timelines and Success Criteria so that Students and Parents are able to access classroom learning.

This week....CASI... Students will be completing Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be starting our first Poetry lesson on Thursday.

ONGOING HOMEWORK: Students are encouraged to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Students are encouraged to keep a Writer's Notebook at home where they can jot down ideas, or write what's on their mind.

Last week, students were introduced to MEDIA. Each table group mind-mapped the various ways that Media affects them. From there, we combined all of their ideas and compiled a master list (this will be posted).

ASSIGNMENT NUMBER ONE: Media Placemat Poster due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Students are to create an 8.5 x 11 collage of images that demonstrates how Media represents them. They will be required to present their poster to the class.

*This assignment will give the students two marks: Media Literacy and Oral and Visual Communication.

Co-Created Success Criteria for POSTER:

I CAN...

- choose pertinent illustrations
- be creative
- make a personal connection to illustrations
- cover the entire page
- create an organized collage
- use images to identify and represent me / media and emphasize their importance
- clearly identify and explain images

Co-Created Success Criteria for PRESENTATION:

I CAN...

- make eye contact with audience
- speak loudly and clearly
- speak fluently
- speak without reading my work
- bring audience into it
- speak with intonation
- speak with appropriate pace (not to fast, not too slow, just right)
- plant my feet and have appropriate stance
- use gestures, when appropriate
- be professional (i.e. no laughing)