Friday 21 November 2014

7B English Friday, November 21, 2014

This week the students began reading the novel THE GIVER. In addition to reading, the students participated in a Literature Circle to discuss and compare the society in THE GIVER to today's society. They recorded their ideas in t-charts for future reference.

Here is the current vocabulary and questions that they will be expected to work on this weekend:

The Giver – Chapter 1

rasping 2                      palpable 3                    distraught 4                 wheedle 5
nurturer 7                    disposition 7                transgression 9            apprehensive 9


1. How does the author get the reader into the book?
2. From whose point of view is the story told?
3. How is Jonas’s family like your family and different from your family?
4. What do know so far about “release” in the book’s society? What are your feelings about “release”?
5. How is the care of children different in Jonas’s world from our society?

The Giver – Chapter 2

Aptitude 15


1. What is the private conversation Jonas’s parents have with him about?
2. Identify details about and the importance of each of these items in the book:

Ceremony of One       Naming           Bicycles           Ceremony of Nine
Comfort Objects

3. What rules does Jonas’s father disobey?
4. How do people in the society receive their Assignments?
5. Why do you think the author is building up Jonas’s Ceremony of Twelve?  What do you think that Jonas’s Assignment might be?