Students who do not own their own copy of The Giver have signed a copy out (I have a master list of the text # that they have borrowed) so that they are able to continue reading / working at home.
HOMEWORK: DUE Thursday, November 27, 2014.
1. Read to the end of Chapter 5.
2. Define the following vocabulary and answer the following questions:
Giver – Chapter 3
chastise 20 rarity 21 petulantly 22 bewilderment 23
1. What
about the society is revealed by the reaction to eye color?
2. What is
a Birthmother?
3. Why is
Mother so appalled when Lily suggests she’d like to be a Birthmother?
4. How was
Jonas disciplined for taking an apple home?
5. Why did
the apple intrigue Jonas?
6. What
does the “nondescript” shade of the tunics and the apple tell you about the
people and the society in the book?
Giver – Chapter 4
26 chortled 33 niche
1. What
seems to be the purpose of volunteer hours?
2. Why
doesn’t Jonas seem to have a niche?
3. What is
the nakedness rule? How does this
compare to our society?
4. What are
the Releasing Room and the releasing ceremony?