Tuesday 16 December 2014

6/7/8 HSP Week of December 15-19, 2014

The last day of school is Friday, December 19, 2014. The Winter Break will take place from Monday, December 22, 2014 - Friday, January 2, 2015. School resumes on Monday, January 5, 2015.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a safe and Happy Holiday!


Guided Reading: Students have chosen a character from their Guided Reading novel. They have answered specific character sketch questions and are in the process of writing Monologues to present to the class. Presentations will take place in class this week!

Procedures will continue after the holidays.


Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.

MATH We are continuing in smaller groups with our Fractions Unit. Homework is below. Please look for your son/daughter's initials for their work.

NA / JK: Math Makes Sense

SP / RJ / YG / SB / BL: Math Makes Sense, some Nelson

MN / SK / NB :  Nelson with additional supplementary resources

EK / NN: Nelson with additional supplementary resources


NA / JK: Math Makes Sense  Identifying Numerator and Denominator 1  Identifying Numerator and Denominator 2  Halves and Quarters  Identifying Part of a Group

SP / RJ / YG / SB / BL: Equivalent Fractions  Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips   Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips 2   Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips 3

MN / SK / NB :  Equivalent Fractions   Equivalent Ratios   Comparing Fractions   Comparing Fractions on a Number Line

EK / NN: Equivalent Fractions  Equivalent Ratios   Comparing Fractions   Ordering Fractions


Gr. 6: Students are working on the series The Canadian Reader. The selection this week is "Tiny Plastic Beads in Our Water." Students will be working on Vocabulary and using graphic organizers. The focus in the text is "answering questions."

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to read more about this: Global News Article

Gr. 7: We are continuing to look at the development of community and relations with the Aboriginal peoples.

HOMEWORK: Please use the following link to find reading and associated questions.

Henry Hudson

Gr. 8: Students are learning about Confederation. They are working on familiarizing themselves with Vocabulary and maps of Canada before and after Confederation, along with the various Conferences and Agreements that have been made. This week, students are discussing the SOCIAL impact of why some did not want to be a part of Confederation.

HOMEWORK: Click on the link below to the reading selection. As a family, have a discussion and fill in the graphic organizer. Your family is "the group" referred to in the instructions :)

Family Reading and Discussion - Confederation