Monday 8 December 2014

7B The Giver Homework Questions - Monday, December 8, 2014

Homework Due: Friday, December 12, 2014

The Giver – Chapter 7

Exasperated 50           retroactive 54              acquisition 54              apprehensive 55

1. How does the Ceremony of Twelve start?
2. What do the numbers mean for each person?
3. Why is the number 19 skipped in the Assignments?
4.   What do you think Jonas’s Assignment will be?  Explain your thoughts.

The Giver – Chapter 8

Crescendo 59              humiliation 59             benign 59                    anguish 60
Meticulously 62

1. Why do Jonas and the audience at the Ceremony of Twelve feel nervous or confused at the start of this chapter?
2. What is announced as Jonas’ Assignment?  What job does this Assignment involve?
3. What qualities does the Chief Elder explain Jonas will need?
4.  Predict how Jonas’ life will change as he trains for his new Assignment?

The Giver – Chapter 9

Requisitioned 69                     excruciating 70                        reeled 71

1. What is it like to feel different?  Why is this a new sensation for Jonas at the start of chapter 9?  How is Jonas treated differently by others?
2. What happened to the Receiver selection that failed?
3. What are Jonas’ instructions for his Receiver training?  Why are some of the rules puzzling?
4. What is puzzling to Jonas about the rule regarding lying?

The Giver – Chapter 10

Exhilarating 78                        deftly 79

1. What does Jonas notice that is similar and different about the Receiver of Memory’s dwelling compared to his own?
2. What will Jonas’ position as Receiver of Memory involve?
3. Why is it important to save memories in the book?  In your own life?
4.  How will the old Receiver transmit the memory of snow to Jonas?