Thursday 6 February 2014

6/7 E-1 Week of February 3-7

This week, we started a new "organizational" system. Last Friday, Mrs. Abe (one of our EA's) helped me

transform the chalkboard at the back of our classroom into a VISUAL SCHEDULE of weekly work. 

There are 4 main sections: Language, Math, Social Studies / History and Overdue Work. The content will 

change weekly, but we are attempting to increase the structure and personal responsibility for the students in 

our class. Having an organized visual of what is expected is also important for their learning styles. I am 

happy to report that we are already seeing an increase in task completion from some of the students!

Language: We continually discuss steps we can take to become better writers. The students identify that 

reading a variety of genres increases vocabulary and that actually writing on a regular basis is needed 


Each week, the students are expected to write 3 journal entries: Monday (On the Weekend / Recount Writing), Wednesday (Writing Prompt) and Friday (Writing Prompt / Free Write).

Guided Reading: The students are grouped to develop reading and comprehension skills. The tasks for Guided Reading are broken up into weekly tasks. Each story will take a full 3 weeks to complete.

Week 1: (this is what students worked on this week)

Vocabulary - students are given words from the story - they are learning to use a dictionary to write definitions for story vocabulary

Vocabulary Sentences - once students identify and write definitions, they are to use each word correctly in a sentence. 

Week 2: (this is what students will work on week of Feb. 10 - 14)

Reading the story - Students will do their "first read" independently. There are boxes inserted strategically into the story that I call "THINK MARKS" - a place for the students to stop, think, answer a content / connection / inference question to direct their thinking and increase comprehension of the story. 

"Second Read" - as a Guided Reading Group - students will have the opportunity to read aloud and take turns to share their "THINK MARKS". I collect their work and will "mark them" - the students are expected to use the question in their written answer AND use what they read in the text to support what they say to justify their answers. (These are skills we have been working on in Media Literacy and in Social Studies / History.)

Week 3: (this is what the students will work on February 18 - 21)

Writing  - this is usually a planning activity - for example: writing a letter to a character in a story or writing a next step / different ending  in the story

Making Connections - All throughout school the students learn how to make connections. Making Connections helps the students internalize written material and increase comprehension. The tasks and students responses will vary according to personal experience. 

Text to Text - does this remind you of something you have read before?
Text to Self - does this remind you of something that has happened to you before?
Text to Media - does this remind you of a movie/commercial/show/song you have experienced before?
Text to World - does this remind you of something you know has happened in our world?

Story Elements - These written activities help the students identify specifics about stories:

Characterization, Plot, Problem-Solution, Moral, etc. These tasks will vary according to the content in the story and what the students need to practice.

AT HOME PRACTICE - Students are encouraged to keep an at-home journal 


We are beginning Geometry. Students will be identifying 2-D shapes and their properties using Math Language. Students completed a chart for 9 2-D shapes. From here, we will be investigating symmetry, plotting shapes on a Cartesian Co-ordinate system, translating, rotating and reflecting shapes. (THIS CONNECTS TO Term 2 GEOGRAPHY!!!!)

Sides of shapes - in correct Math Language, these are called EDGES

Corners of shapes - in correct Math Language, these are called VERTICES

AT HOME PRACTICE - Students are encouraged to explore Symmetry this week: 

Symmetry #1 - this one requires you to identify / draw lines of symmetry
Symmetry #2 - this one requires you to determine if the line is a line of symmetry or not
Symmetry #3 - this one requires you to draw the other side of the figure

History - Grade 7 Students are working to finish up our History curriculum. We are taking a brief beak - The Winter Olympics are providing us with significant discussion about World Events, Canada's role in poilitical issues, and mapping skills (not to mention, further graphing skills as we begin to track countries / medals). We will resume with textbook work in two weeks.

Social Studies - Grade 6 The Winter Olympics are providing us with significant discussion about World Events, Canada's role in poilitical issues, and mapping skills (not to mention, further graphing skills as we begin to track countries / medals).

AT HOME PRACTICE - Please take the time to follow the Olympics on the news, various news websites or via newspaper.