Thursday 27 February 2014

Febrary 24 - 28, 2014 6/7 E-1

What an incredibly busy week! The 7E's enjoyed an AMAZING day at the Marlies game...without a snowstorm!!!!

PARENTS: If you have not yet signed and returned the tear-off portion of the Term 1 Report Card, please do so! I must file the reports complete with this page signed. 

Here is a look at what we have done this week:


Students are working on finishing their Book Talk work from last week. We are looking towards next Wednesday and Thursday to present their posters to the class. We will go through how to do this presentation IN CLASS on Monday and Tuesday so that they are well-prepared.

Journals - continuing writing either by choice or "starter" topics

At home: please continue journal / creative writing


Students are working on translations and beginning reflections across the x and y axis.

At home:


Translations 1

Translations 2

Translations 3


Students are investigating how to use an Atlas. They are learning where to find specific maps and how to find information related to the various topics in Geography.

At home:

Please go online to the following sites to continue to familiarize the students with our World. There are online quizes, puzzles and activities they can work on!

Canadian Atlas

This is a link via our school website:

School Library Link      Canadian Geographic for Kids, Atlas of Canada (Gov't website) and National Geographic Kids are all excellent choices.