Friday 14 February 2014

7A English

The students are busy writing their Narratives! At this point, the students have completed:

1. Plan

2. Peer-edit of Plan

3. Rough Draft

4. Peer-edit of Rough Draft (including time to conference with their peer-editor)

Where do we go from here...

Students will be taking the Descriptive Feedback from their Peer Editors to update, edit and write their second draft.

This draft will be completed on the computer AT SCHOOL. The draft will be printed and students will complete a self-edit and one final peer-edit before correcting and printing their final draft. In all, the students will hand in:

1. Plan - with peer editing form attached

2.Rough Draft #1 - with peer editing form attached

3. Rough Draft #2 - with peer editing form attached

4. Final Draft