Thursday 18 December 2014

7B December 18, 2014

The last day of school is Friday, December 19, 2014. The Winter Break will take place from Monday, December 22, 2014 - Friday, January 2, 2015. School resumes on Monday, January 5, 2015.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a safe and Happy Holiday!

Success Criteria for Procedural Writing

I can...

- Start with a goal
- List the materials
- Write steps in a clear, chronological order
- Use precise language
- Illustrate each step with a simple visual
- Show the finished product
- Summarize, in 1 paragraph, Did It Work? Why / Why Not?

Students have been asked to think about a topic for their own procedural writing in January.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

6/7/8 HSP Week of December 15-19, 2014

The last day of school is Friday, December 19, 2014. The Winter Break will take place from Monday, December 22, 2014 - Friday, January 2, 2015. School resumes on Monday, January 5, 2015.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a safe and Happy Holiday!


Guided Reading: Students have chosen a character from their Guided Reading novel. They have answered specific character sketch questions and are in the process of writing Monologues to present to the class. Presentations will take place in class this week!

Procedures will continue after the holidays.


Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.

MATH We are continuing in smaller groups with our Fractions Unit. Homework is below. Please look for your son/daughter's initials for their work.

NA / JK: Math Makes Sense

SP / RJ / YG / SB / BL: Math Makes Sense, some Nelson

MN / SK / NB :  Nelson with additional supplementary resources

EK / NN: Nelson with additional supplementary resources


NA / JK: Math Makes Sense  Identifying Numerator and Denominator 1  Identifying Numerator and Denominator 2  Halves and Quarters  Identifying Part of a Group

SP / RJ / YG / SB / BL: Equivalent Fractions  Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips   Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips 2   Equivalent Fractions Using Fraction Strips 3

MN / SK / NB :  Equivalent Fractions   Equivalent Ratios   Comparing Fractions   Comparing Fractions on a Number Line

EK / NN: Equivalent Fractions  Equivalent Ratios   Comparing Fractions   Ordering Fractions


Gr. 6: Students are working on the series The Canadian Reader. The selection this week is "Tiny Plastic Beads in Our Water." Students will be working on Vocabulary and using graphic organizers. The focus in the text is "answering questions."

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to read more about this: Global News Article

Gr. 7: We are continuing to look at the development of community and relations with the Aboriginal peoples.

HOMEWORK: Please use the following link to find reading and associated questions.

Henry Hudson

Gr. 8: Students are learning about Confederation. They are working on familiarizing themselves with Vocabulary and maps of Canada before and after Confederation, along with the various Conferences and Agreements that have been made. This week, students are discussing the SOCIAL impact of why some did not want to be a part of Confederation.

HOMEWORK: Click on the link below to the reading selection. As a family, have a discussion and fill in the graphic organizer. Your family is "the group" referred to in the instructions :)

Family Reading and Discussion - Confederation

Monday 8 December 2014

7B The Giver Homework Questions - Monday, December 8, 2014

Homework Due: Friday, December 12, 2014

The Giver – Chapter 7

Exasperated 50           retroactive 54              acquisition 54              apprehensive 55

1. How does the Ceremony of Twelve start?
2. What do the numbers mean for each person?
3. Why is the number 19 skipped in the Assignments?
4.   What do you think Jonas’s Assignment will be?  Explain your thoughts.

The Giver – Chapter 8

Crescendo 59              humiliation 59             benign 59                    anguish 60
Meticulously 62

1. Why do Jonas and the audience at the Ceremony of Twelve feel nervous or confused at the start of this chapter?
2. What is announced as Jonas’ Assignment?  What job does this Assignment involve?
3. What qualities does the Chief Elder explain Jonas will need?
4.  Predict how Jonas’ life will change as he trains for his new Assignment?

The Giver – Chapter 9

Requisitioned 69                     excruciating 70                        reeled 71

1. What is it like to feel different?  Why is this a new sensation for Jonas at the start of chapter 9?  How is Jonas treated differently by others?
2. What happened to the Receiver selection that failed?
3. What are Jonas’ instructions for his Receiver training?  Why are some of the rules puzzling?
4. What is puzzling to Jonas about the rule regarding lying?

The Giver – Chapter 10

Exhilarating 78                        deftly 79

1. What does Jonas notice that is similar and different about the Receiver of Memory’s dwelling compared to his own?
2. What will Jonas’ position as Receiver of Memory involve?
3. Why is it important to save memories in the book?  In your own life?
4.  How will the old Receiver transmit the memory of snow to Jonas?

6/7/8 HSP - Week of December 8, 2014


Guided Reading: Students have chosen a character from their Guided Reading novel. They have answered specific character sketch questions and are in the process of writing Monologues to present to the class.

Writing: Procedures...

Students are exploring Procedures. They worked in partners to define "Procedure" and outline the Success Criteria for a GOOD procedure. From there, students continued to work in partners to access "Furniture Assembly" instructions online (from a well-known retailer). Using their co-constructed Success Criteria, the students gave the company DESCRIPTIVE FEEDBACK. From there, we are going to look at PURPOSEFUL WRITING...if you wish to have the company make a change, what is the most effective/efficient/appropriate method of communication? Students will draft a piece of writing to get their message across.


Students are being asked to bring in a PROCEDURE for class on Tuesday and Wednesday. They will be using the Success Criteria to evaluate and then make any necessary improvements to the work.

Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.


NA / JK: Math Makes Sense

SP / RJ / YG / SB: Math Makes Sense

MN / SK / NB :  Nelson with additional supplementary resources

EK / NN: Nelson with additional supplementary resources

HOMEWORK: all students are invited to work on the following ONLINE activity. There are several levels for the students to explore and practice.

Online Homework Tasks


Gr. 6: Students are working on the series The Canadian Reader. The selection this week is "Tiny Plastic Beads in Our Water." Students will be working on Vocabulary and using graphic organizers. The focus in the text is "answering questions."

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to read more about this: Global News Article

Gr. 7: We are continuing to look at the development of community and relations with the Aboriginal peoples.

HOMEWORK: to be posted Tuesday

Gr. 8: Students are learning about Confederation. They are working on familiarizing themselves with Vocabulary and maps of Canada before and after Confederation, along with the various Conferences and Agreements that have been made. This week, students are discussing the SOCIAL impact of why some did not want to be a part of Confederation.

HOMEWORK: to be posted Tuesday

Thursday 27 November 2014

7B Thursday, November 27, 2014

As we continue with The Giver, students are practicing ANSWERING QUESTIONS (see Success Criteria post) appropriately and effectively.

Students who do not own their own copy of The Giver have signed a copy out (I have a master list of the text # that they have borrowed) so that they are able to continue reading / working at home.

HOMEWORK: DUE Monday, December 1, 2014. 

1. Read to the end of chapter 6.

2. Write definitions for chapter vocabulary. Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES:

The Giver – Chapter 5

infraction 34                dosage 38

1. What is the morning ritual in the society?
2. Why must Jonas start taking a pill every day?
3. What do you think Stirrings are?
4. How do you feel about the society in this book? Explain.
5. What have you found so far that the book’s society represses?

The Giver – Chapter 6

Interdependence 40    indulgently 42             exuberant 44               chastisement 45
Transgressions 45        buoyancy 48

1. What values does the book’s society encourage and embrace?
2.  What is the difference in the book between loss and release?  Why do you think the author points out the difference on page 44?
3.  How does the author build the interest in Jonas’ Ceremony of Twelve?
4.  Who makes the important decisions in the book’s society? How do you know?

Monday 24 November 2014

7B Monday, November 24, 2014 HOMEWORK - Ch. 3 and 4 The Giver

As we continue with The Giver, students are practicing ANSWERING QUESTIONS (see Success Criteria post) appropriately and effectively.

Students who do not own their own copy of The Giver have signed a copy out (I have a master list of the text # that they have borrowed) so that they are able to continue reading / working at home.

HOMEWORK: DUE Thursday, November 27, 2014. 

1. Read to the end of Chapter 5.

2. Define the following vocabulary and answer the following questions:

The Giver – Chapter 3

chastise 20                   rarity 21                       petulantly 22               bewilderment 23
nondescript 24

1. What about the society is revealed by the reaction to eye color?
2. What is a Birthmother?
3. Why is Mother so appalled when Lily suggests she’d like to be a Birthmother?
4. How was Jonas disciplined for taking an apple home?
5. Why did the apple intrigue Jonas?
6. What does the “nondescript” shade of the tunics and the apple tell you about the people and the society in the book?

The Giver – Chapter 4

gravitating 26              chortled 33                  niche

1. What seems to be the purpose of volunteer hours?
2. Why doesn’t Jonas seem to have a niche?
3. What is the nakedness rule?  How does this compare to our society?

4. What are the Releasing Room and the releasing ceremony?

HSP 6/7/8 Week of November 24, 2014


Students are nearing the end of their Guided Reading selections. Our main focus is learning how to answer questions accurately and appropriately. Please refer to the post: HSP 6/7/8 Success Criteria for Answering Questions for detailed description of this skill.

Students are being asked to modify some of their previous answers to demonstrate application of the skill. This means editing (redoing) some work to practice answering complete questions.

HOMEWORK: Students are to continue reading short stories, novels, etc. at home to build vocabulary and practice the skill of reading. We visit the school library on a regular basis, where students are given the opportunity to check out books. Alternately, a family visit to your local public library is an excellent opportunity for you to be included in the book-choosing experience and become more aware of your child's reading interests. Especially if your child is reading books in a series, I encourage you to take out your own copy and read it in order to promote discussion.


Students are continuing to review Fractions. There are 3 groups. (Please look for the student's initials)

NA / JK: Math Makes Sense

SP / RJ / YG: Math Makes Sense

MN / SK / SB / NB / NN:  Closing The Gap (Ministry of Education) ; EK: Closing The Gap (Ministry of Education), with additional supplementary resources

HOMEWORK: all students are invited to work on the following ONLINE activity.

Online Homework Tasks


Gr. 6: Students are working on the series The Canadian Reader. The selection this week is "Tiny Plastic Beads in Our Water." Students will be working on Vocabulary and using graphic organizers. The focus in the text is "answering questions."

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to read more about this: Global News Article

Gr. 7: Students are learning about New France. They are working on Vocabulary building and making connections to the Text they are reading. The grade 7's are using various charts and graphic organizers to determine important information and demonstrate learning.

Grade 7 Study Notes: Use the two columns below to help you remember what you have learned. Take a blank piece of paper, and cover up Column B so you cannot see it. Read each term in Column A and test yourself by writing down three or four key ideas about it.

Column A
Column B

France began to colonize North America to increase the size of wealth of it’s empire

People came to New France for many reasons

The French learned from the First Nations

Europeans changed the First Nations’ way of life

 - The fur trade was the main reason for colonization
- France claimed most of the land from Hudson Bay to the Atlantic Coast
- These territories were Acadia and New France
- At first, there were no permanent settlements

- Government controlled by Britain
- Missionaries and soldiers were sent
- Some people decided to come to buy land or to work in the fur trade

- French learned skills to survive in the wilderness
- French learned how to trap beaver

- Furs were traded for manufactured goods
- First Nations competed wot work with the Europeans
- More and more land used for the fur trade
- French tried to convert First Nations to Christianity
- Europeans brought new diseases to North America

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to watch Canada A People's History Episode 3 to help visualize the text we are reading.

Gr. 8: Students are learning about Confederation. They are working on familiarizing themselves with Vocabulary and maps of Canada before and after Confederation, along with the various Conferences and Agreements that have been made. This week, students are discussing the SOCIAL impact of why some did not want to be a part of Confederation.

HOMEWORK: Students are invited to watch Canada: A People's History 9 to help visualize the text we are reading.

HSP 6/7/8 Success Criteria for Answering Questions

1. Use the question to start your answer.

For example: What classroom is our class located in? Our class is located in Room 210.

2. Use facts to support your answer.

*I know this because...
*For example, ...

I know this because there is a sign above the door with the numbers 210 on it.

3. Answer what is being asked.

*Sometimes it helps to underline the important parts of a question.

*When a question begins with....




When? WHEN AN EVENT TOOK PLACE (i.e. time of day, season, past/present/future, etc.)


For all questions, use information from the text to prove and support your answer.

Friday 21 November 2014

7B Success Criteria for Answering Questions

Success Criteria for Answering Questions

1. Use the question to start your answer.

2. Use facts from the text to support your answer.

* I know this because...
* For example, ....

3. Answer what is being asked. You may want to underline this in the question.

7B English Friday, November 21, 2014

This week the students began reading the novel THE GIVER. In addition to reading, the students participated in a Literature Circle to discuss and compare the society in THE GIVER to today's society. They recorded their ideas in t-charts for future reference.

Here is the current vocabulary and questions that they will be expected to work on this weekend:

The Giver – Chapter 1

rasping 2                      palpable 3                    distraught 4                 wheedle 5
nurturer 7                    disposition 7                transgression 9            apprehensive 9


1. How does the author get the reader into the book?
2. From whose point of view is the story told?
3. How is Jonas’s family like your family and different from your family?
4. What do know so far about “release” in the book’s society? What are your feelings about “release”?
5. How is the care of children different in Jonas’s world from our society?

The Giver – Chapter 2

Aptitude 15


1. What is the private conversation Jonas’s parents have with him about?
2. Identify details about and the importance of each of these items in the book:

Ceremony of One       Naming           Bicycles           Ceremony of Nine
Comfort Objects

3. What rules does Jonas’s father disobey?
4. How do people in the society receive their Assignments?
5. Why do you think the author is building up Jonas’s Ceremony of Twelve?  What do you think that Jonas’s Assignment might be?

Monday 17 November 2014

HSP 6/7/8 November 13, 2014 and week of November 21, 2014

Report Cards went home on Monday. I am looking forward to meeting with many of you over the next two days to discuss your child's progress :)



We are continuing with our Guided Reading Groups. The students are busy reading their short novels and answering content questions related to each chapter. The students are periodically "checking in" with the others in their group to discuss the story, their ideas and inferences about what they are reading. It's amazing to listen to their discussions - their attention to detail and thoughtful responses are developing.


Students will begin Procedural writing.

Where do we find procedures?
Why do we need procedures?
What information do all procedures need to have?

We will look at existing procedures to determine audience and purpose. The students will be exposed to various types of procedures and have opportunity to experience writing. The final project will be a power point presentation.

Homework: Daily Reading and Writing (in at-home Writer's Notebook)


We are beginning Fractions. We are starting with a diagnostic to see what each student remembers, both simple and more complex. From there, the program they work on will be geared to helping them "Close The Gap". This is a Ministry of Education program.

Homework: Please consider using the following link to access Ministry activities to support your child at home. There will be some easy review and it will become more challenging.

Online Gap Closing Activities


Gr. 6 - What In the World?

Gr. 7 - Beginning Conflict and Change

Gr. 8 - Confederation

Homework: Continue to watch the news and discuss what is happening around the world.

Thursday 30 October 2014

7B Poetry Assignment - Weeks of October 27 and November 3

English Poetry Assignment          Grade 7            Due Date: TO BE DETERMINED 

The purpose of this assignment is to write 5 Haiku Poems, incorporating JUICY vocabulary and the use of Similes and Metaphors.

Co-Created Success Criteria:
- write 4 original Haiku poems about each of the 4 Seasons
- include 1 Simile or Metaphor in each poem
- write 1 original “General” poem, tying each of my other 4 poems together (think THEME)
- include 1 simile or Metaphor in my General poem
- create an organized poster NO SMALLER THAN 17x24 (this can be found in Room 210…just ask if you need it!)
- illustrate each of my poems using related images
- make my poster colourful and eye-catching
Haiku Poems Rubric

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Poems are not structured properly
Most poems are not structured properly
Most poems are structured properly
All 5 poems have the proper structure
Uses similes or metaphors in 1 or none of the poems
Uses simile or metaphor in some (2-4) of the poems
Uses only similes OR only metaphors in all 5 poems
Uses a combination of simile AND metaphor in all 5 poems
Visuals are missing from some poems or are not appropriate to the subject of the poem
Some poems have weak visuals or have visuals that are not appropriate to the subject of the poem
Good visuals are included for all 5 poems and appropriate for the subject of the poems
Strong visuals are included for all 5 poems and appropriate for the subject of the poems

·        Make sure all your poems have the structure 5syllables-7syllables-5syllables
·        Try to include more similes or metaphors in your poems
·        Try to use both similes and metaphors

·        Include more visuals/ coloured visuals/ appropriate visuals

Wednesday 15 October 2014

HSP 6/7/8 - Week of October 14, 2014

We hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving weekend! Here is this week-at-a-glance:

ENGLISH - Students are working on:

Writing: Thankful Poems; Publishing Terry Fox Poems for our classroom walls

Reading: Students are working in Guided Reading Groups. We have started the following stories: 

The Sign of Four (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

The Ghost in My Mirror (Marie Francine Hebert)

The Magic Finger (Roald Dahl)

Students will be answering questions, building vocabulary and discussing the literature in small groups.

Homework: Continue Reading each night. Continue Writing in the at-home Writer's Notebook.

MATH - Continuing with Patterning. 

Homework: The students are experiencing challenges with remembering Math Facts. ALL students would benefit from the following practice:


Gr. 6 -  What In the World - students will be starting a new selection this week.

Gr. 7`s - Reading about the first Explorers to Canada - looking at Champlain and Cartier and their contributions to exploring the NEW LAND.

Gr. 8`s - Reading about life in the 1850`s - discussing political and physical features of British North America

Homework: Please continue to watch the news / read the newspaper and discuss current events.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

7B English - Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1. Poetry - Students wrote Limericks this week. Next week, we will focus on evaluating the lyrics that were brought in to class for poetic devices / figurative language. In two weeks, students will focus on writing Similes and Metaphors and incorporating them into Haiku poems for a Media / Writing project.

2. Media Posters - Students will finish presenting this week. Final evaluations will be given to students on Monday in class. 

HSP 6/7/8 Wednesday, October 1, 2014

English -

Writing / Reading: Continuing with POETRY....

Students are refining Terry Fox Poems to publish and display in our classroom. They wrote a Free Verse and a rhyming poem and will choose which poem they would like to Peer and Self edit prior to publishing.

Media: Students are busy creating a collage of how Media represents themselves. Students are using a variety of print resources to search, cut and paste their individual images.

Homework: Students are encouraged to use their at-home Writer`s Notebook to jot down ideas and practice writing about things that have meaning to them. They may choose to write it as Poetry or story. Students are also encouraged to continue reading on a daily basis.

Math: Students are working at varied levels.

HOMEWORK has been sent home today to be completed for tomorrow for: Grade 7`s and 8`s.

Formula: 1st Term + ((Term Number of the Term you are looking for - 1) x Common Difference))


Gr. 7`s - Reading about the first Explorers to Canada - looking at Champlain and Cartier and their contributions to exploring the NEW LAND.

Gr. 8`s - Reading about life in the 1850`s - based on the text, describing A Day in the Life of 1850.

Homework: Please continue to watch the news / read the newspaper and discuss current events.

Thursday 18 September 2014

6/7/8 HSP - Thursday, September 18, 2014

Just a reminder that tonight is Willowdale`s Curriculum Night! Hoping to see many of you at 7:00 pm tonight!

Here is our week at a glance:

ENGLISH - Poetry

Here is a list of the poems the students have written so far in their Writer`s Notebook:

1. I remember, I forget (tapping into memories)

2. Biography Poem (tapping into juicy descriptive language and explaining thoughts and ideas)

3. Someday Poem (tapping into hopes and dreams)

4. Free Verse (using their heart map, write thoughts, ideas and emotions about something meaningful)

HOMEWORK: Each student was given their own At-Home Writer`s Notebook today. Please keep this at home for your child to write in.

Reading - students should be reading for approximately half and hour each day.

MATH - Students have started working on Patterning. We are beginning with a review (what we know) and will be building on knowledge and skills to push our Mathematical Thinking. Students are grouped for Math.

HOMEWORK: It is extremely important for our students to develop proficiency in basic Mathematical computations. Please continue to memorize multiplication facts (to 12x12)....and division (144/12).

SOCIAL STUDIES (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. The students used information from the text and their own ideas to complete a t-chart for and against the pipeline. Then, they picked which side they agreed with most and wrote a COMPLETE 5-sentence paragraph to express their thoughts and ideas in a clear and organized way.

We have also taken a few moments to investigate the current Referendum in Scotland. We have related this event to discussion in Canada over several years of those in Quebec who want Sovereignty. The students demonstrated some knowledge and were able to make some connections between these events.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Tuesday 16 September 2014

7B Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - HOMEWORK

Students who did not finish their BIOGRAPHY Poem are asked to finish this for homework. It is due next class: Wednesday, September 17, 2014.

Students are also asked to bring in a copy of the lyrics of their favourite song. They can be printed by computer or handwritten. Both are acceptable. This is due Thursday, September 18, 2014.

Friday 12 September 2014

7B ENGLISH - Friday, September 12, 2014

ENGLISH - Students are almost finished their CASI Assessments. This includes reading passages and comprehension questions to identify areas of strength and need.

We also started our Poetry Unit on Friday. Using the ideas of Georgia Heard, we are looking at digging deeper, beyond the average "Soccer is my favourite sport" or "My dog" poems. We are looking at identifying the things that matter.

7B - Where Does Poetry Hide?

-lyrics of songs  -imagination  -emotions  -literature  -heart  -dark  -dreams  -thoughts  -mind  -future
-soul  -past

Students then "mapped their heart" to identify people/things/experiences that truly matter to them.

Lastly, students listened to a poem called Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek. This poem reiterates that ideas and meaning are found in so many places - from the beauty in nature to the love of a family member.

Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek

I have a song, deep in my heart,
and only I can hear it.
If I close my eyes and sit very still
it is so easy to listen to my song
When my eyes are open
and I am so busy and moving and busy,
if I take time and listen very hard,
I can still hear my heartsong.
It makes me feel happy.
Happier than ever.
Happier than everywhere,
and everything and everyone in the world.
Happy like thinking about
Going to Heaven when I die.
My heartsong goes like this-
I love you! I love you!
How happy can you be!
How happy can you make this whole world be!
And sometimes it's other
Tunes and words, too.
But it always sings the same special song.
But do you know what?
All people have a special song
Inside their hearts!
Everyone in the whole world has a special heartsong.
If you believe in magical, musical hearts.
And if you believe you can be happy
Then you, too, will hear your song.

HOMEWORK - Find lyrics to your favourite song. Either print them from the computer or write them out (either is fine) and be prepared to share them with the class on Monday. REMEMBER...your lyrics must be appropriate for school (no bad language, no suggestive comments and no weapons-talk). This is due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Reading - 30 minutes each day.

HSP Friday, September 12, 2014

We have had a very busy week! Our school had two successful Fire Drills and a successful lockdown practice. Safety of Students and Staff are extremely important.

ENGLISH - Students are almost finished their Baseline Reading Assessments. This includes reading passages and comprehension questions to identify areas of strength and need.

We also started our Poetry Unit on Friday. Using the ideas of Georgia Heard, we are looking at digging deeper, beyond the average "Soccer is my favourite sport" or "My dog" poems. We are looking at identifying the things that matter.

6/7/8 HSP - Where Does Poetry Hide?

-in the attic  -cards  -basement  -restaurant  -in your hearts  -forest  -animals  -water  -park  -memories
-at school  -vacations  -an old house  -book  -graveyard  -imagination  -anywhere  -closet  -dance
-friends  -family  -music

Students then "mapped their heart" to identify people/things/experiences that truly matter to them.

Lastly, students listened to a poem called Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek. This poem reiterates that ideas and meaning are found in so many places - from the beauty in nature to the love of a family member.

Heartsong by Mattie Stepanek

I have a song, deep in my heart,
and only I can hear it.
If I close my eyes and sit very still
it is so easy to listen to my song
When my eyes are open
and I am so busy and moving and busy,
if I take time and listen very hard,
I can still hear my heartsong.
It makes me feel happy.
Happier than ever.
Happier than everywhere,
and everything and everyone in the world.
Happy like thinking about
Going to Heaven when I die.
My heartsong goes like this-
I love you! I love you!
How happy can you be!
How happy can you make this whole world be!
And sometimes it's other
Tunes and words, too.
But it always sings the same special song.
But do you know what?
All people have a special song
Inside their hearts!
Everyone in the whole world has a special heartsong.
If you believe in magical, musical hearts.
And if you believe you can be happy
Then you, too, will hear your song.

HOMEWORK - Find lyrics to your favourite song. Either print them from the computer or write them out (either is fine) and be prepared to share them with the class on Monday. REMEMBER...your lyrics must be appropriate for school (no bad language, no suggestive comments and no weapons-talk). This is due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Reading - 30 minutes each day.

MATH - This week students completed the ONAP Math Assessment. This was completed by the enitre school and the results will help guide our program, as the Staff work with the Math Consultant to plan rich learning tasks.

The students will begin our first unit on Monday.

HOMEWORK - continue to memorize multiplication facts (to 12x12)....and division (144/12)

SOCIAL STUDIES (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. Then, students will "pick a side" and develop a letter, email, or other appropriate communication tool to express their opinion.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Tuesday 9 September 2014

7B English

Welcome to Willowdale!

It is a pleasure to be working with the Extended French class again this year!

Each week, we will post what we are learning, assignments, timelines and Success Criteria so that Students and Parents are able to access classroom learning.

This week....CASI... Students will be completing Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be starting our first Poetry lesson on Thursday.

ONGOING HOMEWORK: Students are encouraged to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Students are encouraged to keep a Writer's Notebook at home where they can jot down ideas, or write what's on their mind.

Last week, students were introduced to MEDIA. Each table group mind-mapped the various ways that Media affects them. From there, we combined all of their ideas and compiled a master list (this will be posted).

ASSIGNMENT NUMBER ONE: Media Placemat Poster due Monday, September 15, 2014.

Students are to create an 8.5 x 11 collage of images that demonstrates how Media represents them. They will be required to present their poster to the class.

*This assignment will give the students two marks: Media Literacy and Oral and Visual Communication.

Co-Created Success Criteria for POSTER:

I CAN...

- choose pertinent illustrations
- be creative
- make a personal connection to illustrations
- cover the entire page
- create an organized collage
- use images to identify and represent me / media and emphasize their importance
- clearly identify and explain images

Co-Created Success Criteria for PRESENTATION:

I CAN...

- make eye contact with audience
- speak loudly and clearly
- speak fluently
- speak without reading my work
- bring audience into it
- speak with intonation
- speak with appropriate pace (not to fast, not too slow, just right)
- plant my feet and have appropriate stance
- use gestures, when appropriate
- be professional (i.e. no laughing)

6/7/8 HSP Post #1 Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome back to the 6/7/8 HSP Class!

Our classroom blog is now up and running. Please check this weekly, as there will be information posted about English, Math, Social Studies / History and Geography as well as upcoming events and opportunities for the Students.

English - Firstly, the Students are completing BASELINE assessment for me. I use this to help write their IEP's and begin to program for them. I asses: Spelling, Reading (CASI/Flint-Cooter or DRA/JRA) and basic writing samples.

The students are completing FAKEBOOK pages! They are learning Media Literacy along with demonstrating VOICE in their creative writing. Don't worry...the Students are not using Facebook...this is a paper-pencil task that they are completing to help decorate our classroom!!

HOMEWORK: Students will be receiving a blank notebook this week. They are to keep it at home and write weekly. Their writing could take many forms. This year our focus will be on purpose and audience.

Students are also encouraged to visit the school and public library. They should be reading for approximately 30 minutes each day at home for homework.

Math - This week, Students are completing  ONAP as a baseline assessment. As we begin our program, Students will be working on individualized programs in Math.

HOMEWORK: This week, students are encouraged to memorize Multiplication Facts to 12. This will help reduce some of the reliance on calculators for simple Math. DON'T WORRY...calculators are allowed and encouraged during Math work when students need them :)

Social Studies (Grade 6) - Using the Canadian Reader program, we will be exploring Current Canadian events and issues. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using Text Features to get a better understanding of what the text is about so Students learn to focus on important information when reading. The first article is CHAT to the Future.

History / Geography (Grades 7 and 8) - Using the  What in the World program, we will be exploring current events and issues around the world. While the content will be similar, the Grade 7's and 8's will focus on different text features and complete similar, but grade and IEP appropriate work. This links very well to our Guided Reading program, and we will be learning and strengthening Reading Strategies to help improve understanding and build vocabulary.

The first focus is using information from the article, The Northern Gateway Pipeline - One Step Closer, to identify reasons for and against this important debate. Then, students will "pick a side" and develop a letter, email, or other appropriate communication tool to express their opinion.

HOMEWORK: Every post for Social Studies / History and Geography Homework will be the same: please sit down and watch the news with your child.

*Discuss current events so that students become more aware of what his happening around the world - both good and bad.

*Use an Atlas (either hardcopy or online) to locate "Where in the World" the news is happening.

*Have a thoughful discussion so that students begin to understand the perspectives of all involved. We become more accepting and tolerant of others when we understand both sides. We don't have to agree, but they need to learn to see things with their "PERSPECTACLES".

Students and Parents: Please read BLOG titles...they will indicate which class / sports team each entry is directed towards.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Week of June 2 - 5, 2014 6/7 E-1

We are in the home stretch!

The weather is warming is our school! Please remember to send a refillable water bottle to school. The students need to stay hydrated during these humid days :)

Math - This week we started Probability. Students are learning language that they will use when playing games and completing their work.

Likely - good chance

Unlikely - poor (not good) chance

Chance - odds, opportunity

50 - 50 - equal chance

100% chance - definitely going to happen

0% chance - definitely not going to happen

*Reminder of counting to 100 by 10's for % (percent or PER 100) - the closer to 0 is less of a chance, closer to 50 is more equal chance and closer to 100 is greater chance

HOMEWORK - The Game of Pig - a family game

Math Concept - This game is for two or more players. It gives students practice with mental addtion and experience with thinking strategically.

The Object - To be the first to score 100 points or more.

Materials - 2 dice, pencil and paper

How To Play - Players take turns rolling two dice and following these rules:

1. On a turn, a player may roll the diece as many times as he or she wants, mentally keeping a running total of the sums that come up. when the player stops rolling, he or she records the total and adds it to the scores from previous rounds (a.k.a. "the bank").

2. BUT, if a 1 comes up on ONE of the dice before the player decides to stop rolling, the player scores 0 for that round and it's the next player's turn.

3. EVEN WORSE, if a 1 comes up on BOTH DICE, not only does the turn end, but the player loses their entire "bank".

Language / Geography

We are researching the Provinces of Canada, the symbols for each Province / Territory (flag, flower, tree, bird, etc.) and will be presenting our research in the form of Power Point Presentations. Each student will be responsible for ONE PROVINCE / TERRITORY, but will complete the basic research for all Provinces / Territories. The Grade 7's will be required to do additional research - they will discover and share one impact people have made on the physical environment.

Thursday 22 May 2014

6E-1 Preparation for EQAO

Students are practicing for the EQAO test at school. The test takes place at Willowdale May 26, 2014 - June 2, 2014.

Please visit the following website to learn more about the EQAO test:

Ways to Help Your Child

7A and 7E-1 Persuasive Writing / 5 Paragraph Essay / Speech

What an AMAZING trip we had to Mono Cliffs!!!!

We will be using our experiences to plan and write a Persuasive 5-Paragraph Essay. Once done, students will present this as their "Speech."

This week, students are working on For and Against t-charts to list reasons for the following statement:

All Grade 7 students should go to Mono Cliffs

From there, they are choosing their strongest 3 reasons and providing examples from their experience to support their statements. After this is complete, I am conferencing with each student to ensure that they are on track for creating solid arguments with vivid examples.

The next and final step will be to use this plan to develop strong and interesting paragraphs. The 5 Paragraph Essay includes:

1. Introductory Paragraph
2. 1st Argument, with supporting details
3. 2nd Argument, with supporting details
4. 3rd Argument, with supporting details
5. Conclusion Paragraph

The writing should be completed by the end of next week  Speeches will take place during the 1st week of June.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

7A Hana's Suitcase Homework Questions

Please answer the following questions. They are to be handed in at the beginning of school on Thursday, April 24, 2014.

Answer in PARAGRAPHS, using examples.

1. How would you compare Hana's experience in the barracks with George's?

2. Identify one way that you would like someone to help you out if you were in Hana or George's place in Theresienstadt.

3. Why do you think people helped each other so much in Theresienstadt?

4. Why do you think the Nazi's kept the people in such poor conditions?

5. What would you recommend we do if we were to ever see people being treated less worthy than us, here in Canada?

6. What would you recommend we do to see that no one is ever again treated as the Jewish people were treated by the Nazis?

Friday 11 April 2014

7A English - Hana's Suitcase

We have begun reading Hana's Suitcase as a short Novel Study. To meet the different learning styles, we will be reading and listening to this story.

Two focus questions we discussed prior to reading are:

What is the nature of forgiveness and how is it possible to go on after great suffering?

What is the nature of hate and why is hate so prevalent in books and on the internet?

I have suggested to the students to have discussion with you, their parents, surrounding these questions. You may wish to use the internet, books from your local library or personal knowledge / experience to help.

I have advised the students NOT to explore the internet on their own. These topics, especially surrounding the Holocaust and "hate" can produce graphic results that are not appropriate to be viewed without parental knowledge and guidance.

If your child will be away during the Passover observance, please note that the students will be continuing to read over the week of April 14-17.

6/7 E-1 Homework

Upcoming Field Trips: 

6's - Toronto Zoo May 1, 2014 - please return permission forms and payment as soon as possible

7's - Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre - please return permission form by Monday, April 14 to indicate intent to participate; the payment can be post-dated to the end of the month (April 30) if that makes it easier for your family.

English - 

We are beginning new Guided Reading stories next week. Stay posted for the exciting new titles!

At home work: Continue journal writing

Math - 


Group A - Learning to identify the total number in a group and the parts of the group in relation to each other to make a fraction.

Group B - More advanced identification of Fractions of a Set

Have a Great Weekend!

Monday 24 March 2014

7A - Procedures

Students were given instructions to follow in class. The outcome: how to draw a monkey. During this exercise, students realized firsthand that when instructions are too wordy and unclear, and not given in steps, the outcome can be disastrous!

The following question was posed during a group work session. The dot jots are the result of one group's discussion.

List as many different strategies as you can think of that can make procedures, instructions, directions and explanations easier for someone else to understand:

- Add pictures / visuals
- Make it specific / detailed
- Edit to make sure everything makes sense
- Make sure there isn't more than one step combined
- Use clear language!
- Write so that it is understood
- Put your steps in order
- Don't have too many or too few steps

HOMEWORK: Write a set of "how to" instructions. Use the procedure outline we discussed in class. Your steps will be evaluated by a peer in class.

Week of March 24 - 28 6/7 E-1

We have a busy week ahead!


Tuesday - Stripe Day
Wednesday - Hawaiian Day
Thursday - Crazy Glasses Day
Friday - PINK Day (anti-bullying) and Spring Fling Dance ($3 admission)


The Grade 7's received permission forms for the upcoming Aquarium Trip on Wednesday, April 2. The entire Grade 7 group is scheduled to attend. Each class is booked for a classroom presentation on top of the Aquarium Tour. If you have not returned the permission form, please do so - they are due by this Friday, April 28.

The Mono Cliffs Information Package / Permission Forms will be coming home Friday, April 4, 2014. This is an exciting overnight trip for the Grade 7 Students!


Journal - Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Guided Reading - New stories this week. Students will begin Vocabulary for their assigned story.

Yellow Group - Walking the Road to Freedom - The Story of Sojourner Truth

Green Group - The Doorbell Rang

At home: continue Journal Writing

Math: Continuing with Transformational Geometry

Students are working on a variety of activities to include: translations, rotations and reflections. They are continually encouraged to remain focused during Math, as Transformational Geometry requires precise and accurate movements.

At home: Look at your everyday movements and your surroundings. Where do you see  translations? Where do you see reflections? What rotations do you perform at home? Identify at least 3 for each.


Grade 6 - connecting with Mathematics - co-ordinates on a Grid (pre-mapping skills)

Grade 7 - connecting with Mathematics - co-ordinates on a Grid (pre-mapping skills)
             - Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Relative Location
Absolute Location
Alphanumeric Grid
Compass Rose
Public Transit
Container Freight System

At home: continue to explore the Geography websites posted prior to the March Break.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Week of March 3 - 6, 2014 6/& E-1

We have a short week ahead of us...there is no school on Friday, March 7, 2014.

Here is what we are working on this week:


Finishing Book Talk work / Planning our Presentations

What does my Book Talk look like?

1. Stand at the front

2. Introduce your book
- Title and Author
- Setting
- Favourite Character and WHY
- Most Exciting Part and WHY

3. Recommendation
- Who would like it
- why you do / do not recommend your book

4. Show / explain your poster

Students are being given time each day to plan, prepare and rehearse their Book Talk. They will present in-class Thursday, March 6, 2014.

Writing: Journals will continue. Students will also be finishing work for first Guided Reading Selection.

At home: please continue Journal Writing over the March Break.


Continuing with Geometry...

Reflections across the x axis and y axis, with x and y at a value of 0 (That means that is the reflection line)

At home:


Practice 1

Practice 2

*If last week's work has not been done, please make sure to do that first.


Students are investigating how to use an Atlas. They are learning where to find specific maps and how to find information related to the various topics in Geography.

At home:

Please go online to the following sites to continue to familiarize the students with our World. There are online quizzes, puzzles and activities they can work on!

Canadian Atlas

This is a link via our school website:

School Library Link      Canadian Geographic for Kids, Atlas of Canada (Gov't website) and National Geographic Kids are all excellent choices.

Thursday 27 February 2014

Febrary 24 - 28, 2014 6/7 E-1

What an incredibly busy week! The 7E's enjoyed an AMAZING day at the Marlies game...without a snowstorm!!!!

PARENTS: If you have not yet signed and returned the tear-off portion of the Term 1 Report Card, please do so! I must file the reports complete with this page signed. 

Here is a look at what we have done this week:


Students are working on finishing their Book Talk work from last week. We are looking towards next Wednesday and Thursday to present their posters to the class. We will go through how to do this presentation IN CLASS on Monday and Tuesday so that they are well-prepared.

Journals - continuing writing either by choice or "starter" topics

At home: please continue journal / creative writing


Students are working on translations and beginning reflections across the x and y axis.

At home:


Translations 1

Translations 2

Translations 3


Students are investigating how to use an Atlas. They are learning where to find specific maps and how to find information related to the various topics in Geography.

At home:

Please go online to the following sites to continue to familiarize the students with our World. There are online quizes, puzzles and activities they can work on!

Canadian Atlas

This is a link via our school website:

School Library Link      Canadian Geographic for Kids, Atlas of Canada (Gov't website) and National Geographic Kids are all excellent choices.

Monday 24 February 2014

Gr. 7/8 Girls Volleyball - Information for Tuesday, February 25th


Practice at 8:00 am.

Leave school by 9 ish.

PACK A LUNCH, SNACKS, DRINKS, ETC…we may be there the whole day and we are unsure of facilities available.

Get a good night's rest and we will see you in the morning!!!!!

Mrs P and Mrs T

Tuesday 18 February 2014

6/7 E-1 Week of Febryary 18 - 21

We hope that everyone enjoyed a restful Family Day weekend! It's good to be back at school...snow and all!

This week, I will be heading up north with the Grade 8's to Muskoka Woods. The students will be taught by a 3 teachers - all are familiar with these staff. The Grade 7's from the 7/8 E-1 class will be joining us. Both EA's (Mrs. Abe and Ms. Church) will also be in the class for extra support.

Here is the work for the week:


Monday - On the Weekend...    OR   Family Day...    OR Finish the starter from Friday: Imagine that you have a bottle hidden inside your bedroom closet. Inside the bottle live several tiny people. Write about your adventures with the little people.

Reading / Writing / Media

The students have been participating in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) since the beginning of February. They will be completing a "Book Talk" assignment this week. Here is the outline: 

Book Talk Poster

PURPOSE: To create your own  cover for a book that you have selected to read, identify key information
about the book, make connections to what you are reading and prepare a book talk presentation for the
I can make an attractive book cover.
I can answer questions in complete sentences.
I can answer questions using information from the book and from what I know to support my answers.
I can create a captivating presentation - the other students will want to read the book I've chosen.

Choose a book and let your teacher know your selection
• Read the book
• Draw a picture (your own creative cover, different than the original book cover, which relates to the story). YOU MAY DO THIS ON THE COMPUTER, BY HAND WITH DRAWING TOOLS OR BY MAKING A COLLAGE. Make sure you have included the title, author, etc.

•Answer all questions using information from the text to support your answers


6/7 E-1 students will be continuing Symmetry work. Next week, we will become more familiar with the Cartesian Coordinate System.

What is Coordinate Graphing?
Coordinate graphing is a way to present information as a picture. By drawing a grid and assigning values to each spot on the grid, the relationships can be shown as points and lines.
The grid, or graph is made up of two axis, an X axis that runs across the bottom and a Y axis that runs up and down. Each axis is numbered, usually starting at zero. This is what a coordinate graph (with one labeled point) looks like:


The point A (on the graph above) is labeled by numbers (3,4). The first number in the brackets is always the "x" number. The second number in the brackets is always the "y" number.

Here are some at home activities to get you started:

3. Plotting coordinates


The students are using newspapers to search for articles, advertising and any other Olympic "news" they can find! We are creating an Olympic Bulletin Board in our classroom! We are discussing the information in relation to our Gr. 6 Social Studies and Gr. 7 Geography curriculum.  On Tuesday, we reviewed HOW to read and find information in the newspaper. Students are learning about the different sections and what the small print: "rest of story S1" actually means. 


Please continue to visit online websites (i.e. and discuss newspaper articles, etc. as a family to keep up to date with this world event